Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan Airways

Airports of Uzbekistan

There are currently 11 airports in Uzbekistan that are operated by Uzbekistan Airways National Air Company. Six of them: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench, Termez and Navoi airports are international.

Airport Type Location Province ICAO IATA
1. Andizhan Airport Local Andizhan (Andijan) Andijan UTKA AZN
2. Bukhara International Airport International Bukhara Bukhara UTSB BHK
3. Muynak Airport Local Muynak (Mo‘ynoq) Karakalpakstan UTNM
4. Karshi Airport Local Karshi (Qarshi) Qashqadaryo UTSL KSQ
5. Fergana International Airport International Fergana Fergana UTKF FEG
6. Namangan Airport Local Namangan Namangan UTFN NMA
7. Navoi International Airport International Navoi (Navoiy) Navoiy UTSA NVI
8. Nukus Airport Local Nukus Karakalpakstan UTNN NCU
9. Sary Asiya Airport (Sariasiya Airport) International Sary Asiya (Sariasiya, Sariosiyo Surxondaryo UTSR
10. Samarkand International Airport International Samarkand (Samarqand) Samarqand UTSS SKD
11. Tashkent International Airport International Tashkent Tashkent UTTT TAS
12. Termez Airport Local Termez Surxondaryo UTST TMJ
13. Urgench International Airport International Urgench Xorazm (Khorezm) UTNU UGC
14. Uchkuduk Airport Local Uchkuduk Navoiy UTSU
15. Turtkul Airport Local Turtkul (To‘rtko‘l) Karakalpakstan UTNT
16. Zarafshan Airport (Sugraly Airport) Local Zarafshan Navoiy UTSN AFS

«Tashkent» International Airport

Tashkent International Airport, the country's main gateway, unquestionably takes the lead among other airports in Uzbekistan. Modern airliners of Uzbekistan Airways leave the airport for European, Asian and American countries as well as many CIS cities. Tashkent International Airport completely meets international standards and the ICAO requirements and receives all the types of aircraft. Following a complete overhaul the passenger terminal for international flights provides a maximum level of convenience and services for passengers. It can serve up to one thousand passengers per hour and services over twenty million passengers annually. The air terminal complex also includes a separate terminal for transit passengers and all the required services.

The Tashkent International Airport offers:

- Spacious and comfortable lounges;
- Customs and passport control (twenty-four hour);
- The Inquiries service;
- Convenient and fast reception of luggage;
- International phone communication;
- Booking offices;
- Duty free shops;
- Restaurants and bars;
- Currency exchange office;
- VIP hall;
- CIP hall.

On the third floor there are foreign airlines offices including the British Airways, the Asian Airways, the Aeroflot and others conveniently located for customers. Well thought-over layout solutions are reflected in the spacious and well illuminated departure galleries from where the passengers board the planes through telescopic boarding ramps. The local terminal is also supplied with modern equipment. You can get to the ancient cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, and other regions of the republic from the terminal. At present the country's main airport services the aircraft of over thirty foreign airlines. Scores of them are refueled here every day.

Flights Timetable of Tashkent International Airport

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