Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

General Info

Uzbekistan: short review

Map of UzbekistanFormal name: The Republic of Uzbekistan

Location of Uzbekistan: The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated in the central part of Central Asia between two rivers: Amudarya and Syrdarya. There are Turan Lowland in the northwest, and Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alay mountain ridges in the southeast of the territory. Kyzyl-Kum Desert is in the North. Uzbekistan borders Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, and Afghanistan in the South.

Capital: Tashkent.

Area: total 447.400 km2: land: 425.400 km2, water: 22,000 km2.

Land boundaries: total: 6.221 km, border countries: Afghanistan 137 km, Kazakhstan 2.203 km, Kyrgyzstan 1.099 km, Tajikistan 1.161 km, Turkmenistan 1.621 km

Population: more than 29 million people

Language: Uzbekistan is multination country. Uzbek is the state language, Russian is the language of international communication.

Administrative and Territorial Structure: Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakistan, 12 regions, 226 cities and districts.

Religion: Islam

Currency: All payments must be done in sum, the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currency exchange offices are available in every city of Uzbekistan.

National Symbols: Flag of Uzbekistan, Emblem of Uzbekistan, Anthem of Uzbekistan.

Climate: The climate of Uzbekistan is extremely continental with a great number of sunny days. Average monthly temperature in January is from 10 to +3oC. Summer is hot and dry. Average monthly temperature in July is from +35 to +45oC. Autumn is warm enough and is the season when delicious fruits and vegetables are in abundance in numerous bazaars (markets). Average annual temperature is 13oC.

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