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Uzbekistan: New facilities in the test and certification center of Khorezm

07/01/2018 17:42

In order to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, a new decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the measures on improving the activities of the Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification” was adopted this year, which sets tasks and directions for the development of the agency’s activities, strengthening its material and technical base,including modernization and re-equipment of testing laboratories and regional centers of the agency “Uzstandard” with modern high-precision measuring and testing equipment.

According to the head of the testing laboratory of Khorezm Test and Certification Center Margarita Mulgimova, as in the recent years the laboratory was equipped additionally with more than 10 new test equipment and measuring instruments from foreign countries, in the current year the laboratory for physical and chemical analysis of products gained52 million sums more. With its help, now it is possible to accurately determine the content of nitrogen and protein in food products, fodder, water, beverages and chemicals substances. It is noteworthy that the equipment is safe to use, allows to get by with a minimum amount of reagents and to reduce the time of testing.

Laboratory workers have already tested 45 varieties of dairy products, 4 types of mixed fodder and 13 kinds of products. And since the beginning of the year more than 2300 different types of products have been tested for compliance with its standards.

This shows that today the sphere of service has expanded, the quality and accuracy of the conducted tests here has increased. Due to what more and more manufacturers receive certificates of conformity, as well as access to the foreign market.

Today, the agency “Uzstandart” in cooperation with the state and economic authorities approved the Program of development of the national infrastructure of quality for the period until 2020, including a list of projects for modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of testing and measuring laboratories. In this list, the projected investment volume to 2018 for this laboratory is 95 thousand US dollars. Strengthening the material and technical base will increase the level of quality of services provided to commodity producers.

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