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Uzbekistan: The potential and the role of Uzbekistan in the development of the tourist route “silk road”

07/01/2018 17:44

Tourism is one of the most important factors in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan and the creation of new jobs. Today, promising projects in this area are being implemented in all regions of Uzbekistan. At present, the program of integrated development of tourist potential for 2017-2021 is being implemented in Khorezm region. A new step in this direction will be the implementation of a large-scale project on the organization of tourist routes on the Silk Road.

Uzbekistan is a land of ancient culture and great historical values. Many of the cities here dates back to many centuries and millennia. Among them is Khiva, which in the past was a significant point of international caravan trade, a bright spot for the development of various crafts, high urban development, science, culture and art. And it was not by chance that it became the venue for an international conference on the “Silk Road in the Historical Perspective of Sustainable Tourism Development” organized by the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Tourism Development within the framework of the 23rd Tashkent International Tourism Exhibition with the administration of Khorezm Region and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and several other organizations.

Representatives of the tourist sphere of the republics of Central Asia, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, South Korea, and a number of other countries took part in the conference.

The questions of the agenda were made by the expert of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Zakrillaev, the head of the department of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development A.Temirkhujaev, the professor of the Tashkent Institute of Culture and Art U.Toshmatov, the head of the tourist firm from Kazakhstan R.Kuzembaev and others. The reports and speeches noted that the theme of the development of tourism along the routes of the Silk Road, passing through the states of Central Asia, every year becomes more relevant. A special role is assigned to Uzbekistan, which occupies a leading position on the Silk Road.

Uzbekistan, due to its geographical location, rich historical heritage, cultural and natural diversity, is one of the most attractive destinations in the region. At present, the ancient cities of the Republic have become an attractive center for numerous tourists and travelers, connoisseurs of beauty. Uzbekistan has plans to increase tourist flows and is an active participant in the international project of the UN, UNWTO and UNESCO on the development of tourism on the ancient routes of the Silk Road. The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On priority measures on the development of tourism in 2018-2019” is focused on these.

The participants noted that, the purpose of the conference was the creation of a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of tourism development between representatives of different countries, discussion of new opportunities for creating favorable economic, investment and organizational and legal conditions for the development of tourism on the Silk Road routes.

According to Yelena Golysheva, the director of the training center of the State Unitary Enterprise for Retraining and Advanced Training of Tourism Employees in Uzbekistan, the development of tourism largely depends on the business level of the staff. This issue is currently receiving much attention. In Khorezm, this branch operates, in which the youth of Khorezm region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan are being trained.

Strengthening the sphere with qualified personnel contributes to the sustainable development of tourism in the region.

According to the participant of the conference from Great Britain, Robert Parker, it is interesting not only to get acquainted with monuments and ensembles of medieval architecture in Khiva, but also with the prospect of tourism development in this region. Much attention given to this area, in particular, the construction of a railway line to Khiva, hotels and other social facilities will allow increasing the flow of tourists in the near future.

As the acting director of the Ichon-qal’a museum-reserve – KomiljonKhudoyberganov notes that, the centuries-old history of Khiva, luxurious palaces, madrassas, mosques, minarets, and mausoleums that formed a unique architectural ensemble are well preserved to this day. Great interest among the participants of the conference was caused by the exhibits of these museums, including the new “Avesto” and “Ancient History of Khorezm”. In them the treasures of folk art are concentrated. Many of them have a huge cultural and historical value. The main task is to save them for descendants.

A documentary about the history and present day of Khorezm and Khiva city was shown for the participants of the conference. The deputy hokim of KhorezmregionT.Davletov took part in the conference.

The potential and the role of Uzbekistan, in particular Khorezm region, in the development of the tourist route “Silk Road” was demonstrated in the conference, and the participants were informedabout the conductedactivities to develop the tourism industry.

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