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Uzbekistan: Local food production is a source of additional income

07/01/2018 17:45

In Uzbekistan, the solution of issues of food supply to the population is one of the most important directions of social and economic development of the regions and the country as a whole. The reforms implemented in the agrarian sector allowed the domestic market to fill the main types of crops and increase the volume of their exports.

An important resource for the implementation of the food program is the production of vegetables and fruits, grains and melons on private household plots. Rural inhabitants of Khorezm region try to make maximum use of the possibilities of gardens and vegetable gardens - sow early, high-yielding and frost-resistant varieties, organize taking care of plants, because of which two crops are harvested per year.

As an example of a caring attitude to private plots is shown by their owners in many villages of the Khanka district. Among them, there are residents of the village of Sarapayon, in which the area of ​​gardens and vegetable gardens exceeds 770 hectares. They grow cereals, vegetables, fruits, table greens, melons and melons. At the same time, each mahalla specializes in the production of a specific type of product.

According to BahtiyorHakimov, the secretary of the meeting of citizens of the mahalla“Koramozi”, in recent years the volume of agricultural products grown on homestead lands has significantly increased, in many respects this was achieved through the construction of greenhouses on them. For example, the Durdiyev’s family raised a loan of 5 million sums from the branch of “Agrobank” and built two greenhouses, and by the New Year, they will harvest the early vegetables.

There are many examples of effective use by residents of mahalla of private plots. This year, DilbarKarimova built a greenhouse in which she grows vegetable seedlings, spring onion, and sweet pepper. A family of DarmonShermetova specializes in growing strawberries, which is in high demand among buyers.

This kind of family business is further developed, as it brings a considerable profit. From the sale, grown on homestead land products, many families a year receive more than 10 million sums. Thus, they not only ensure the well-being of their families, but also make a significant contribution to the implementation of the food program.

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