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Uzbekistan: Measures on improvement of living conditions of the population and solving the problems in the region

07/01/2018 17:45

In order to ensure the implementation of the measures and tasks defined in the Strategy of Action on the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as the Resolution of the Head of Uzbekistan in 2017 “On Priority Measures to Ensure Accelerated Socio-Economic Development of the Regions”, a purposeful and system work to address the urgent problems in the regions is conducted.

The responsible officials of the working group on organizing and solving the tasks of the complex social and economic development of the second sector, which includes Shavat, Gurlan and Yangibazardistricts of Khorezm region, carry out a comprehensive analysis of the urgent social problems, concerns of the population, business entities, heads of farms, youth, as well as systemic impediments to the further development.

In the course of the measures taken to identify and solve problems in the sphere of housing and communal services, roads, energy, water supply and transport, landscaping and improvement in Shavat district, it was noted that 4,5 km have been laid to improve the living conditions of the population. A new gas pipeline and repaired 3.1 km of existing lines. Also conducted 9.1 km new and renovated 25 km of existing power lines, three new ones were installed and 110 electrical transformers were repaired. To ensure the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the residents of the mahalla“Oydin”, the power transmission line was completely reconstructed.

Also laid 10 km of water, as a result of clean drinking water provided 180 families. Capital repairs of 41 km. the central road, the current repair is 11 km. internal roads.

Based on the results of the study by the working group of the state of affairs in the sectors of the economy and in the social sphere of Gurlen region, the purposeful activity of local state and economic bodies and public organizations in the solution of the tasks was marked. In the agricultural sector in the current year, new gardens and vineyards are laid on an area of 150 hectares. Approximately 30,000 seedlings of pomegranate, walnut and other fruit and citrus trees have been planted in dehkan farms. In order to provide the population with food and increase the volume of agricultural exports in 325 farms on an area of 3,760 hectares, released from the grain harvest, sowing of repeated crops was carried out. To develop livestock, poultry, fish farming and beekeeping, 51 projects were developed and implemented, which allowed the addition of about 200 people. The banking sector for the construction of greenhouses, the development of other industries allocated 3 billion 695 million sums.

During the dialogue and communication with the population of the region on the ground, a number of problems worrying the population were positively solved.

For example, 53 families were rendered financial assistance to low-income and needing social protection, 53 households were provided with financial assistance, 10 houses for disabled people were provided with wheelchairs, 297 families were given chicks for the development of home-based work, 19 households were built and handed over for use in greenhouses, 4 sewing shops were opened, as a result more than 30 women were provided with work.

According to DilraboHamdamova, Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor of Khorezm Region for Public Relations and Legal Information, the events that are held contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the systematic work of the executive, representative government and economic management bodies in the constant and targeted study of the socio-economic development of the regions in order to identify and timely solve urgent problems of the population.

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