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Uzbekistan: Preparation of energy supply for winter season

08/01/2018 17:48

The energy sector of Uzbekistan is preparingfor the autumn-winter season with special care. The paramount task of the joint-stock company “Khorezm territorial electricitynetwork” to date, the preparation of the electricitynetwork complex for the upcoming winter maximum of the loads.

As the technical director of JSC “Khorezm territorial electricitynetworks”OybekRadjapov notes that, the works in this direction began in the spring. A scope of work was determined, an action plan was approved, necessary materials and equipment were purchased.

As part of the preparation of electrical networks for the autumn-winter period 2017-2018. capital repairs of 4 transformer substations in the Khiva, Yangibazar, Yangiarik and Bagat districts of Khorezm region. Major overhaul and installation of input and sectional circuit-breakers at 11 transformer points was carried out, 93 transformer substations, 522.9 kilometers of electric transmission lines and 270 transformer points were serviced, 1186 transformer points were serviced, in addition, over 27 transformers were replaced on more powerful, in reserve there are still 28 transformers of different capacities, ready for use, 60 tons of transformer oil are harvested.

In the first ten days of October, the equipment was upgraded at the Shavat substation - a new transformer with a capacity of 250,000 kW instead of the former 10,000 kW was installed, as well as a new set of distribution control. Since last year, the amount of electricity supplied to consumers, produced by Tuyamuyun HPP, has increased. To date, it has reached its maximum. As a result, the supply of electricity to the population of the city of Pitnak and the whole Khazarasp district was improved, temporary fan-type cut-offs ceased, not counting accidents.

The technical personnel of the enterprise conducts routine inspection of electrical equipment and transformer substations, inspection and verification of the state of overhead transmission lines. Identified defects are eliminated as soon as possible. To eliminate emergency situations, 24 brigades are organized, which have at their disposal 34 specialized vehicles and the necessary technical equipment. Emergency operations are conducted for the operational staff of the enterprise; various options for non-emergency situations are being developed.

The goal of all these measures is to avoid major technological disruptions that could lead to interruptions in the electricity supply of consumers, especially socially important facilities, during seasonal growth of loads and power consumption.

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