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Uzbekistan: New opportunities and encouragement for the youth of Khorezm

08/01/2018 17:48

Khorezm Regional Youth Center of Uzbekistan held a meeting of the regional interdepartmental council for youth.

The meeting was attended by themembers of the regional interdepartmental council, deputy hokims of Khorezm region, heads of law enforcement agencies, hokims of cities and districts and their deputies on youth policy, social development and spiritual enlightenment work, active youth, representatives of the media.

The meeting was addressed by the hokim of Khorezm region, chairman of the regional interdepartmental council on youth I.Sabirov.

Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev, there is a consistent work to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national traditions and values, the formation of a spiritually and physically healthy, harmoniously developed young generation, the protection of its rights and interests. Much attention is paid to the intellectual development of the youth in Uzbekistan and all the necessary conditions for the full realization of their talent and abilities are created. Educational institutions are provided with the most up-to-date information and communication technologies, teaching aids. Information resource centers, palaces of culture, sports facilities at the disposal of boys and girls. Due to this, they become prizewinners of regional, republican, international subject Olympiads, festivals and championships. The ranks of the owners of the Zulfiya State Prize, the Nihol Prize are expanding.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ShavkatMirziyoevhas recently visited Khorezm region, in order to beacquainted with the socio-economic development of the region, and to determine the tasks for the future.

The head of state was acquainted with the large-scale work on construction and improvement in Khorezm, promising projects serving the development of the region and improving the welfare of the people, and plans aimed at developing the tourist infrastructure. He also was informed about the progress of the works carried out within the framework of the project on rehabilitation of the main irrigation canals of Tashsaka.

The President of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the projects on expansion of direct investments into the economy of Khorezm region and further development of activity of the free economic zone "Khazarasp". He talked with the leading farmers and dehkans in the region on the field of the multisectoral farm "RahimberganHojianbar" in Khiva district.

During the recent visit, the Head of Uzbekistan visited Khorezm regional theater of musical drama. In a conversation with the responsible theater staff, he expressed his proposals for further improving the work of the creative team. He also visited the Youth Center in Urgench, met with a group of active young men and girls of Khorezm, talked with them. Reforms aimed at creating modern conditions for finding young people a worthy place in life, providing them with comprehensive support, professional orientation and employment, stimulating initiatives, give their high results.

In the center, all conditions for the meaningful leisure of young people are created. There are more than twenty circles in such areas as sewing and hairdressing, drawing, chess, literature and others.

In order to further stimulate the initiative young people of the region, Sh.Mirziyoyev presented a new car to the student academic lyceum №2 at the Urgench State University OzodIsmoilova for an internship at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Germany, ShirinaRakhimova, a student of the Gurlen vocational college of consumer services. In addition, in order to further development entrepreneurship among young people, he instructed to establish under the Youth League of Uzbekistan "Youth Support Fund of Khorezm", which is allocated 5 billion sums.

It was noted at the meeting that practical work has been already begun in Khorezm region to ensure implementation of the recommendations and instructions given by the President of the country.

Hokims of cities and regions, heads of responsible organizations were given instructions on the full support of local initiative youth.

Speaking at the meeting, the chairman of Khorezm regional council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan, M.Masharipov, spoke about the urgent tasks for improving the activities of the Youth Union.

For active participation in the activities of "Self-denying youth groups", created from among representatives of unorganized youth, book sets were handed over.

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