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Uzbekistan: Development of tourism sector in Khorezm

08/01/2018 17:54

One of the main branches of social and economic development of Uzbekistan is the tourism, which, although still quite new, is ahead of many others in its development. This is due to the invaluable material and spiritual heritage of the country.

This sphere in the country is paid attention at the highest level, the government of the republic makes decisions aimed at its greater development.

During one of his visits to Khorezm region, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev noted the need for full use of the region's opportunities in tourism, the opening of new routes and their promotion on the world market, the development of hotel and transport infrastructure.

Khiva is called the "pearl of the East" - it is a city where the past and the present have merged, where people of our time continue the traditions of antiquity - are engaged in handicrafts, carpet weaving, and trade on the streets of this historic city. Every year thousands of foreigners come to the "open-air museum". The laying of a railway line from Urgench to Khiva and the construction of a modern station in the city of Khiva, the establishment of the movement of electric trains, and in the future the movement of the high-speed Afrosiyob train will increase the flow of tourists and create additional conditions for foreign citizens.

For the purpose of comprehensive development of tourist potential of Khiva and Khorezm region in general, the corresponding Program will be adopted for 2017-2021 aimed at development of tourism infrastructure, improvement of tourist routes and services of the region, promotion of the tourist potential of the region, training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in this sphere, as well as the development of domestic tourism. The main goal of the works is the transformation of the city of Khiva and the territory around and inside the "Ichan-kala" complex into a world-class tourist center.

In addition, with the opening of the new tourist season will be organized entertainment programs with a display of national traditions and customs.

Today in Khorezm tourists come from more than 80 countries. In 2016, the flow of foreign citizens increased by 15% compared to 2015, and local tourists by 30%.

Also, since 2012, the growth of tourism organizations, hotels, tour operators and travel agencies has doubled.

With the development of tourism, which is one of the important spheres in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan, dozens of new jobs have been created. For today in the tourist organizations of Khorezm region more than 450 people are employed.

In accordance with the plan of practical measures for the development of tourism in Khorezm region in 2016-2017. It was planned to attract investments in the amount of 57.2 billion soums, with the aim of implementing 81 projects.

Last year, 16 projects were implemented for the amount of 1,864.5 million soums, the remaining 65 are realized before the end of this year.

It is noteworthy that journalists and filmmakers from foreign countries often come to Khiva, not only to learn the history of Uzbekistan, but also to acquaint their fellow citizens in the course of the materials and films that they have prepared with the unique cultural heritage of Khorezm.

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