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Uzbekistan: Refors in the preschool education system of Uzbekistan

08/01/2018 17:55

The issue of education of a healthy, comprehensively developed generation in Uzbekistan has been raised to the state level since the first years of its independence. Over the years, a number of laws and regulations, legal documents, the National Program for the training of personnel were adopted. A logical continuation of the above-mentioned cases was the creation of a ministry of pre-school education in the country.

Today, pre-school educational institutions, unlike previous nursery schools, are turning into centers of knowledge and education with a new status, working according to modern requirements. They acquired a new look, preparing children for school. A special approach is being taken to the issue of improving the skills of workers in this field. Both tested and modern methods of teaching were introduced.

Currently, more than 240 pre-school educational institutions operate in Khorezm region. They employ about 2700 teachers - educators. More than 27,500 children were involved in the groups of these institutions, work is being carried out for the full coverage of children.

In Khorezm region, there are also 10 private pre-school educational institutions that are regularly provided with new methodological literature and manuals.

To date, special attention has been paid to the condition of the buildings of these institutions, the strengthening of their material and technical equipment, and appropriate systemic measures have been taken. So this year, reconstruction of 4 pre-school educational institutions, another 14 major repairs, as well as work on equipping them with furniture and necessary equipment. About 10 billion soums were allocated for this purpose.

Great attention is paid to the organization of alternative forms of preparation for school for children not covered by preschool institutions. For example, at present, 93 short-term groups operate in pre-school educational institutions, involving children of 20372 families in villages, whose parents are also provided with methodological aids and books. This year, several small libraries have been opened in the countryside.

For today in pre-school educational institutions classes are held on the study of foreign languages, there are circles of sport and art that help in the development of the child's abilities.

In order to further improve the system of preschool education as the most important link in the unified system of continuous education, expand the network and strengthen the material and technical base of pre-school educational institutions, provide them with qualified pedagogical staff, introduce modern educational programs and technologies in the educational and educational process aimed at a comprehensive intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic and physical development of children, a radical increase in the level of preparation of children for the school adopted the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures forthe further improvement of the system of preschool education for 2017-2021". In Khorezm region in accordance with it in 2017-2021 years will be built 1 new pre-school educational institution in the village of MukhomonKhazaraspdistrict, in 51 will be reconstructed, even in 51 repair works. Also, the amount of parental contributions to pre-school educational institutions in the region was reduced to 50 percent, which positively affects the well-being of citizens.

Undoubtedly, the measures taken in Uzbekistan will contribute to the further improvement of the activities of pre-school institutions and the preparation of children for school.

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