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Uzbekistan: To the international market with high quality products

08/01/2018 17:55

In Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to increasing the export of products. This issue is also important for Khorezm regional department of standardization and metrology. The responsibilities of the management includes assistance to producers in improving the quality of products.

In Khorezm region, the ranks of entrepreneurs are growing every year, ensuring the production of high-quality competitive goods based on the introduction of advanced technologies and modern equipment, which contributes to increasing the export potential. To improve the quality of products and promote it to the foreign market, the activities of employees of this organization are directed. The main attention is paid to explaining the essence of the implementation of the quality management system in enterprises producing marketable products, which will create conditions for expanding export opportunities.

To this end, management specialists conduct quality months, trainings for specialists of interested enterprises and certification of products are carried out by the testing laboratory.

At present, management employees in cooperation with recognized international certification bodies such as joint venture LLC Uzbek Turk Center and LLC DQS QUALITY SYSTEMS are working to certify the quality system at 37 export-oriented enterprises in the region, including in limited liability companies "Bahtharakatmevasi" and "Khorazmkovunlari", agrofirm "Yukoribognematlari", farm "IshchanDamor".

After the completion of certification for the enterprises that have passed through it, a broad road to the international market opens.

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