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Uzbekistan: High harvest in cotton fields

08/01/2018 17:56

Today, all residents of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan are pleased with the great success of the region's farmers-they have fulfilled their contractual obligations to procure cotton. The achievement of this high result required the workers of the fields to mobilize all the forces and energy, to take full advantage of the opportunities to grow and harvest a rich harvest.

Workers of the farm “Bagat”inBagat district of Khorezmregion are proud to have contributed to the big harvest. Among the first in the district and even in the region they fulfilled the contractual obligations and handed over about 120 tons of cotton to procurement centers, received from each hectare 40 centners of high-grade raw material.

The achievement of this result is based on the intensive work of farmers who have learned to overcome unfavorable weather conditions, increase the fertility of lands, and introduce advanced agrotechnologies into cotton growing.

Special mention should be made of the advanced collectors GulchekhraJumaniyazova, SabohatOtajonov, KhurmagulBekturdiyev, who daily collected 120-130 kilograms of cotton.

Collecting cotton in the farm is continuing. Workers aspire to clean up the entire crop without losses before the onset of bad weather. Completion of the suffering in a short time will allow to begin preparations for a new season, to solve the urgent tasks for the further development of the economy.

Today, the farmers movement in Uzbekistan has entered a new stage of development, which envisages the creation of multi-disciplinary farms on the basis of existing farms. Due to this, employment issues, food security, and people's quality of life should be successfully addressed.

Many farms today have at their disposal a compact line for processing agricultural products, profit from the development of poultry, fish farming and livestock, established greenhouses, act as sponsors in the construction of social facilities, in the improvement of villages.

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