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Uzbekistan: Acquisition of new sport facilities in the sector of public education

08/01/2018 17:57

In Uzbekistan, reforms are being implemented in the system of public education, as a logical result of the right actions in the country, the material and technical base of general education schools is being strengthened, modern pedagogy, effective methods of physical education of pupils are actively introduced into the educational process. Here the young generation has all the necessary conditions for regular physical training and sports.

Annually in Khorezm region new sports facilities are erected, including in secondary general educational institutions, their material and technical base is being strengthened. Sports facilities are equipped with the necessary equipment and equipment. To conduct physical education classes in general schools, as well as in sports sections, qualified specialists are employed.

In particular, a modern sports hall was built in the school No. 40 of the Yangiarik district. 473 million soums were allocated for its construction at the expense of the Children's Sports Development Fund. The pupils of the school had the opportunity to practice in it six sports.

To equip the new facility, Khorezm region Children's Sports Development Fund allocated sports equipment for 100 million soums. Teachers of the school note that the introduction of the sports hall will allow many schoolchildren to join regular classes in sports sections, increase their level of physical education, and participation in sports competitions will help strengthen the will of young people, believe in their own strengths and opportunities, develop courage, patriotism and devotion to their country.

The wide coverage of the younger generation, especially rural youth, physical culture and sports is one of the basic conditions for physical, spiritual health and perfection.

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