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Uzbekistan: Education of the youth is one of the most important tasks of the country

26/01/2018 11:54

The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is an important document, ensuring reliable protection of political, economic, social rights and freedom of citizens of the country.In the process of implementing the norms and principles included in it, the necessary conditions and opportunities are created for the full protection of human rights, in particular for children, women and youth.

According to RasulbekKalandarov – the secretary of the Commission on the Affairs of Minors under the administrationof Urgench district of Khorezm region, from the first days of independence in Uzbekistan,all necessary conditions for education of harmoniously and comprehensively developed young generation have been created consistently.Already, the created opportunities give their positive results for students to show their abilities and talents.An important document, aimed at increasing the attention and concern for young people, is the Order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Aboutthe additional measures, aimed at implementing the state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.In fact, it means a new stage of a daily work, carried out in this direction.In Urgench district, activitiesare being sequentially carried outon ensuring the accomplishment of this order.In educational institutions, spiritual and educational activitiesis heldwith students.District Council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan developed and carried out cultural and educational measureson the organization of courses and leisure activities of young people.With high interest, students take part in the circles and sections of the centres“Barkamolavlod” and in other sports and cultural institutions.

In the education of a harmoniously developed young generation, the role of sport is invaluable.Today in Urgench district there is a children’s sport complex.1663 teenagers and 21685 pupils of comprehensive schools go in for various kinds of sports there.

Activities on supportingto get involved in sports and its large-scale development improve the skills of young athletes.As a result, this year 16 young athletes from this district managed to win prizes in various regional and republican competitions.

The Commission on the Affairs of Minors has developed a number of programs to prevent offenses and crimes, and there is ongoing monitoring of their implementation.

Recently, at the meetings of the Commission on the Affairs of Minors, the attendance of students,how they spend their free time, their moral and psychological situation in their families are studied and analysed.

The partnership of “school – mahalla – family” plays an importantrole in this work.Only a teenager, who regularly attends classes, can achieve any success in his development.

In its activities, the commission focuses on ensuring social protection and support thedisabled minors and children without parental custody.At the same time, with the ongoing works on the recovery of sick children, conditions have been created for them to study and manifest their abilities.From the beginning of the year, children of the families,which needsfor social support, received financial aid.The conditions for the education and upbringing of 53 disabled children have been created, 105 teenagers have been putto special boarding schools.Education and upbringing of 40 teenagers are organized individually at home with the help of specialists.

Health protection of the children and teenagers are held at the centre of everyday attention.Within the framework of the “Health Week”in every month, highly qualified doctors of the Republic together with the local medical specialists conduct examinations of children and teenagers of Urgench district, including in remote villages.

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