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Uzbekistan: Beekeeping and honey production in Khorezm

26/01/2018 11:59

In recent years, beekeeping has been developed in Khorezm region of Uzbekistan among other branches of agriculture.Today in every place of the region, there are dozens of diversified farms engaged in the production of honey.For example, in Khorezm one third of the useful product is produced in Bagat district.A private enterprise“Nafis - Chakka” in Urgench district, in 2016 received more than five and a half tons of honey.There are more than 300 beehives.

In total in Khorezm region, there are about 2000 entrepreneurs and farms engaged in the production of this sweet product.According to the experts, the growth in the production of honey is observed due to targeted and preferential credits granted to specialized farms and private entrepreneurs.So, this year the branches of commercial banks plan to provide financial support for almost 2 billion sums.Thus, the number of bee colonies will reach 43 thousand.

It is noted, that last year the farms of the region produced 520 tons of medicinal product.

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