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Uzbekistan: Subsidiary income household plots

26/01/2018 12:04

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ShavkatMirziyoyev repeatedly pointed out the effectiveness and benefit of the household plot, which can bring an income to the family budget if properly used.

For example, the cultivation of figs, despite the laboriousness of work, pays off a significant profit handsomely.

A full-fledged bush of figs can harvest up to 50-60 kilograms of fruit per season.So, planting 10 young plants of figs with good care, which begins to give fruits in the fourth or fifth years, can yield a good harvest, which can make 1 million sums of income.

Today, for many gardeners - amateurs from the mahalla“Anjirchilar” of Urgench district of Khorezm region, growing and selling figs became a family business.

Also in Urgench city, the spouses IlgizSitdykov and FirayaFaskhieva, on the adjacent plot of land, grew a real fig garden, where there is a fig tree, which reaches 7 meters.

And there are many such residents in Khorezm region who effectively use personal parcels of land, providing the family with medicinal fruits and vegetables, as well as stable income.

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