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Uzbekistan: The role of highly qualified specialists in the development of tourism industry

26/01/2018 12:13

The sector of tourism industry is one of the dynamicaldeveloping sectors in Uzbekistan.This is due to the passage of an ancient caravan road here, which is calledas the Great Silk Road.Today, the invaluable material and spiritual heritage of the ancient Khorezm attracts tourists more and more.

That is why today special attention is paid to the accelerated development of the tourism industry, enhancing its role and contribution to the economy, diversifying and improving the quality of tourist services, and expanding the tourist infrastructure.At the same time, the qualitative improvement of the process of training specialists for this industry is of great importance.

In the Urgench State University, on the basis of the Faculty of Tourism and Economics, since 2011, highly qualified personnel have been trained in the areas of education “Tourism” and “Organization and management of hotel industry” and in the corresponding specialties of the master’s program.A specialized department of tourism was organized, with a teaching staff, owning considerable scientific and pedagogical experience and the desire to improve the educational and methodical process on the basis of generally accepted international standards.

As ElbekKhodjaniyazov– lecturer of the Department of tourism of the Urgench State University noted that, the administration of the university supports and encourages the students, young teachers and scientists in the programs of international academic mobility. A number of international educational and scientific projects are implemented in cooperation with leading foreign universities and research centres. Therefore, participation in the five-month program of educational and research exchanges in the framework of the program ERASMUS+ of the European Union at the University of Las Palmas de - Gran Canaria in Spain will be an important step in the further growth of pedagogical skills.

Within five months, they attendedthe lectures by well-known professors and participated in scientific seminars of one of the leading universities in the field of international tourism in order to improve their knowledge and skills for effective organization and management of the tourism business and hotel services. Thus, they got acquainted with the modern tourist industry of Spain, were directly involved in the process of learning academic subjects on various fields of tourism and hotel management, directly observed and analysed the work of the administrative and management personnel of world-famous hotels and inns. And today the experience, they gained there, helps to improve the quality of teaching of professional disciplines ontourism and hotelmanagement. During the last semester, they had several subjects in English, with the gifted students of the Urgench State University, using interactive and practical forms of training.

In addition, students and teachers of Urgench State University, within the framework of the program ERASMUS+,go to the University of Padua in Italy to improve the quality of training and exchange of experience. Thereby enhancing the skills of teaching and training of appropriate personnel for the tourism industry.

Based on the tasks assigned to the teaching staff of the university, special training courses on learning Chinese, Korean and other languages were organizedfor guides and interpreters to provide a high-quality tourist services. Trainees not only study foreign languages deeply, but also they study the history of the region, customs and traditions, get acquainted with the architectural monuments and legends of the region. They also learn oratory,which is also necessary when dealing with foreign tourists. At the Faculty of Tourism and Economy,experienced guides and workers in the tourism sector of Khorezm hold master classes for undergraduate students, it is also planned to organize trainings for graduates of Urgench State University to prepare business plans for the further opening of their own tourist companies and agencies. 

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