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Uzbekistan: Favourable conditions for small business in Khorezm

26/01/2018 12:14

Development of small enterprise leads to a market saturation in goods and services, increase of export potential, better utilization of local raw materials.

During the years of independence, as well as in all regions of Uzbekistan and as in Khorezm a stable industrial growth is provided. In accordance with the programs, where one of the most important directions identified, accelerated development of enterprises on the production of a wide range of competitive textile products, hosiery, leather and footwear, and pharmaceutical industry, primarily for the production of final products, new enterprises are opened today. Financial assistance and informational support forthe beginners of their own businessestake a special role in this direction.

For example, for a long time RuslanMakhmudovfromKhazaraspdistrictwas engaged in purchase and sale of hosiery from abroad. In the 90s of the last century, when he imported goods from China, with not a high quality, and while the products cost to local buyers very expensive, he got an idea to open anenterprise and start producing high-quality hosiery and at a reasonable cost for the residents. In turn, such product with bad quality could not be soldimmediately. Over the years, thanks to the development of private enterprise, created opportunities,RuslanMakhmudov was able to open his own business and today he produces hosiery based on the demand of the population.

Last year in June he opened the «EXPRESS SOCKS» Ltd in the village Pichoqchiof Khazaraspdistrict, focused on the production of high quality hosiery from environmentally friendly raw materials, and most importantly at an affordable price.

During the year,about 20 equipment was purchased here by obtaining creditsin the amount of 235 million sums from the Urgench branch of “Hamkor bank”. Today more than 10 local boys and girls are employed here.

As LayloSobirov – an employee of the enterprisenoted, having received a diploma of secondary special education of a vocational college, she immediately got a job here, with the opening of the enterprise. Along with her peers,she trained skills of working on machines from the experts. Now she can fully perform the necessary works herself. Conditions and payment for the jobsatisfy her. She is glad that she can contribute to the family budget.

The company produces men’s, women's and children's socks. Production capacity in 2016 accounted to 720 000 pairs of socks.

According to the head of the company RuslanMakhmudov, the main part of the raw material comes from Tashkent region. In the near future,he plans to expand production output. Therefore, heis planning to open a new workshop, to purchase 11 machines more and to start producing other kinds of hosiery. Which in turn,makes possible to employ several fellow-villagers. Here the works are organized in two shifts and all the necessary conditions for the workers were created.

Indicators of the businessshow, that the products do not yield to any other foreign analogues in their quality and design. And these results were achieved thanks to the legal and economic guarantees in Uzbekistan, and a favourable business environment.

A young 26-year-old girl, FeruzaAtaniyazova from Urgench city, also took an advantage of the created conditions, who now produces a variety of women’s, men’s, children’s, sports and school handmade bags. Her neighbour, Feruzaopa caused her love to the work, who taught her the pattern and sew dresses, skirts and other women’s clothing since the school years. Over time, Feruzastarted to draw sketches of dresses and handbags to them on her own taste.

According to FeruzaAtaniyazova, she likes to choose a suitablebag for every dress. However, it does not always work; it is difficult to find in stores suitable bags. Then she conceived the idea to sew herself. On the internet, she found the pattern and sewed the first bag for her mother. She really liked it. Most interesting is that, her first job was a success, she soon began to receive orders from friends of her mother. Then she decided to engage in the manufacture of bags. But for that she needed money. As she was an activist of the Union of the Youth of Uzbekistan, she decided to participate in their contest “YoshTadbirkor - yurtgaMadadkor”. Having successfully acted in it, she got a preferential credit and opened a workshop at home in 2015. Today sheisa craftswoman.

At present,Feruza sews bags on orders. In a day,she produces 3-4 leather handbags and a few purses. She sells her products not only in Khorezm region, but also throughout the country. In perspective,she plans to expand her business, open her store of bags and create workplaces for unemployed young people.

From the activities of the above-mentionedentrepreneurs,it can be obvious, that the subjects of small and private businesses takes a leading part in filling the local marketswith competitive and qualitative products. They are also very important in creation of new jobs, especially for young people, which is one of the most actual issues of the day, and on this basis, increase of income and improve all of the people’s welfare living in Uzbekistan.

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