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Uzbekistan: Developments in the sphere of glass production

09/03/2018 13:47

In the years of independence in Khorezm region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, among the engineering, light and construction industry, the glass industry is also getting developed in a high rate.

The Uzbek - American JV in the form of LLC " Khorazm shisha idishlari ", which began to work in June this year in the village of Ijtimoiyat in Shavat district produces high-quality glass products, i.e. bottles for wine and vodka and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as cans for preserving and storing food products, with a capacity of 0.5 to 3 liters.

The production capacity is 3 million pieces of glassware. The total staff of workers, providing a continuous production cycle, is 190 people, most of whom are graduates of professional colleges. In the manufactory, work is carried out in two shifts by four teams. The students of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Urgench State University also have their practice here.

Here is a systematic process of producing: a dry mixture of materials is prepared from the available raw materials, called a mixture, which is put into the furnace to produce glass and is found for a certain time. After that, the products are formed and annealed, and then they pass quality control and are packed. At the entrance to the annealing furnace, the products have a temperature of about 400-5000 C, and at the output, 50-800 C.

As the head of the enterprise Hikmat Kodirov noted, the main thing in the process of making the mixture is to weigh the components in certain proportions and mix them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Their glass furnace can produce 60 tons of glass melt. In addition, the system is automated, and allows to monitor the entire process, from charging and cooking raw materials, to stacking and packaging of ready products.

The enterprise achieved significant results and good quality indicators in the shortest period of time, providing an internal market with the products manufactured here, which is sold not only in Khorezm region, but also in other regions of Uzbekistan.

He also noted that an important aspect of successful activity is that they use local raw materials. Quartz sand, which is the main raw material of the glass industry, is imported from Navoi, using about 200 tons per month. Dolomite powder from Kashkadarya, soda ash and sodium sulfate from Karakalpakstan.

In future, the company plans to expand the assortment of manufactured products, create additional new work places, and arrange export of products.

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