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Uzbekistan: Older generation are of great wisdom

09/03/2018 13:50

In the report at the ceremonial meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the country, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that in ensuring the most important constitutional norm – social justice, there must be concern for the older generation and citizens, who needs for social protection.

In Uzbekistan, since the first years of independence, the support of elderly people, war and labor veterans, and the creation of decent living conditions for them have become a priority of the state policy. This contributed to an increase of the average life span of the population. In Khorezm region, a lot of work is done to strengthen the medical and social assistance and to improve the living conditions of single elderly people, pensioners and invalids. So, only in 2017, at the expense of the fund “Nuroniy” for supporting the public activities of veterans in Uzbekistan, flats of five veterans were overhauled completely. And more than 77 million sums were spent on this.

According to Matkarim Jumaniyazov, the chairman of the Khorezm regional fund “Nuroniy” for supporting public activities of veterans in Uzbekistan, the fund “Nuroniy” plays an important role in social protection of single pensioners and the disabled people. The elderly people, their lives, hopes and concerns is in the focus of attention, as well as the transfer of priceless experience of elderly people to the younger generation, educating them in the spirit of the Uzbek mentality, national traditions and values. These are mentioned in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the measures to further improve the activities of the “Nuroniy” Foundation on social support of the veterans of Uzbekistan”, and according to this Decree now, the fund is named as “Fund for Supporting the Public Activities of the Veterans of Uzbekistan”. This Decree set new tasks for the Fund. Among them is to assist the state in implementing the most important priorities of the state policy in the field of improving the quality of life of older citizens, maintaining their high social activity after retirement, including participation in the public and political life of the society and exercising public control over the activities of state bodies.

About 120 000 people in advanced age live in Khorezm region, and 1 856 of them are over 80 years old, 250 of them 90 years old, 69 of them are the participants of the Second World War and more than 2 300 veterans of the labor front.

Within the implementation of the abovementioned Decree of the President in the districts and cities of Khorezm region, the “Nuroniylar Maskani” complexes were organized, where all conditions are created for the spending the leisure time meaningfully, recreation, and strengthening the health of veterans.

Literally, daily you can find out about the next important changes introduced into the life of the Uzbek people on the initiative of the President of the Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev, intended to satisfy the interests of the people. A vivid example of social protection, material and moral support of the representatives of the older generation was the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the encouragement of the participants of the Second World War”. In accordance with the President’s Decree, the participants and invalids of the war of 1941-1945 were given monetary rewards in a solemn atmosphere. Besides, the participants of the Second World War were awarded certificates for preferential purchase of cars.

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