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Uzbekistan: Human interests are above all

09/03/2018 13:52

In the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the ceremonial meeting, devoted to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the country, the speech was about the tremendous successes, achieved during the years of independence in socio-economic development, and about the key directions for formation of a prosperous state, and strong civil society.

According to Kurbandurdi Nurmetov, head of the People’s Reception Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Bagat district of Khorezm region, an important step in their implementation was the adoption of a new Law “About appealing of individuals and legal entities”. It specifies not only the purpose, but also the scope of its application, i.e. regulation of relations in the field of citizens’ appeals to state bodies and institutions, as well as to their officials. The document is extended also to structures with state participation and self-governing bodies. In the Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interest, the noble idea “Human interests are above everything” is fully realized. A new effective system for solving vital problems of the population is created: as Virtual and People’s Receptions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic, the established People’s Reception Office in Bagat district of Khorezm region, has become an effective mechanism for interaction between state authorities and economic administration, the hokimiyat with citizens, which allows solving the most vital problems of the population.

During the past period 823 appeals were received in the reception room, most of them were forwarded to the relevant bodies and resolved positively, the rest are under consideration. The issues that concern residents of the region are related to employment, medical treatment, allocation of land, provision of material assistance. Thus, a resident of Besharik village Doniyor Olimov addressed the People’s Reception with a request to help him in finding a job for his son. Within a few days, the issue was resolved positively. Another resident of the district, Davron Kurbanov, asked about the medical treatment of his son Rufat Kurbanov. Examined by the specialists of the regional medical association, he was hospitalized in the surgical department of the district hospital, where he will undergo a full course of treatment.

The work of the People’s Reception in Bagat district gives its positive results – the number of appeals has decreased. The reception staff tries to ensure that none of the requests is left without attention.

Today, citizens’ trust in the People’s Reception is strengthening, and their role in increasing the responsibility of state employees becomes more evident. The workers of the reception were very enthusiastic about the proposal contained in the President’s report on the organization of effective provision of public services through the People’s Reception, by merging the relevant functions of all state organizations and centers of “One Window” under the Ministry of Justice. These issues are directly handled by the service for the protection of citizens’ rights, control and coordination of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities of the Office of the President of the Republic. A new structure is planned to organize in it, as an Agency for Operational Public Services, which will allow fuller satisfaction of the interests of the people, and solve many problems on-site.

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