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Uzbekistan: Population health is the greatest wealth

09/03/2018 13:53

In the report at the ceremonial meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the republic of Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted among the priority tasks the ensuring the implementation of constitutional norms in the field of protecting the health of citizens, which is the greatest wealth.

The announcement of the year 2017 in Uzbekistan as the Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests has a deep meaning. After all, human interests, among the priorities, include issues of his health, the possibility of full access to modern medical services.

The President of the Republic repeatedly noted in his speeches the necessity of meeting the needs of the population for qualitative medical services. At present, huge conversions take place in the sphere of public health. The structure of medical institutions is developing, family clinics are being established on the basis of rural ambulances, their material and technical base is being strengthened, and due to the introduction of advanced methods of diagnosing and treating patients, the quality of services to the rural population is improving.

According to Fakhriddin Ruzmetov, the chief doctor of the Khorezm regional children’s multisectoral medical center, in Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to the protection of the health of the younger generation. The center, designed for 285 beds, provides medical services for children and teenagers under 18 years of age. Based on the implementation of the investment program for 2014-2016, the buildings were repaired and reconstructed. Today, there is a department of general surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, cardioreumatology, hematology, neurology, resuscitation, pathology in young children. There is also an advisory polyclinic and a pharmacy at the center. All of them are provided with modern equipment. Within the framework of the investment program, 70 units of modern medical equipment were purchased.

Along with the strengthening of the material and technical base of medical institutions, polyclinics and ambulance services, the qualification of medical personnel is increasing. Leading specialists of this center have practical training in the prestigious specialized medical centers of Uzbekistan and abroad. As a result, effective methods of treating various diseases are successfully assimilated. The quality of services provided to patients is improving. Previously complex operations in the capital are now being conducted here.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the State Program for the Further Strengthening of the Reproductive Health of the Population, Protection of the Health of Mothers, Children and Teenagers in Uzbekistan for the Period of 2014-2018", of January 2018, the Department of infantile urology and gynecology will be organized .

The special attention of the Head of the Republic of Uzbekistan on reforming the health care system, strengthening the material and technical base of medical institutions, further improving the quality and efficiency of rendering medical services to the population gives its high results.

The main indicator of the work carried out over the past years on the protection of health of mothers and children in Khorezm region is a significant reduction in the death rate among children. There is also a certain contribution of this center, which provides practical and organizational-methodological assistance to district and city hospitals.

At the same time, as noted in the report of the President of the country, there is something to work on seriously. It is necessary to raise the general qualifications of doctors and nurses to the required level, actively introduce new effective methods and modern drugs into the process of diagnosis and treatment, attention and care must be devoted on each patient, and increase the responsibility of health workers for the results of their work. The solution of this problem is one of the main directions of the activities.

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