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Uzbekistan: New block of flats for the citizens in Khorezm

04/04/2018 22:32

On the eve of the big national holiday – the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the social life of Khorezm region, important events are taking place. In the course of the implementation of the Program on “Building and reconstructing affordable apartment buildings in cities for 2017-2020”, multi-storey residential buildings were put in commission in Urgench city. Disabled people and the families, upbringing disabled children took the first keys for the flats.

The head of Khorezm region I.Sabirov participated in the solemn event and made a speech.

According to Rustam Ruzmetov, the allocation of the apartment to his family with all the amenities on the eve of the holiday – the Constitution Day, on the International Day of the Disabled doubles his gladness. His family became a happy owner of a comfortable apartment in a new house in Fergana Street. There are all the conditions for upbringing children, it is cozy and warm here. They are deeply grateful to the President of the country, to the government, to the leaders of the Khorezm region for their attention and concern.

A worker of the LLC “Khorazm Computer Ustasi” Sherzod Jumaniyazov, and other new settlers express their thanks for the allocated new apartments.

Employees of the contracting organization “Yangi zamon bino” received valuable gifts for ensuring timely commissioning of residential houses.



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