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Uzbekistan: Multiciltural centre

08/06/2018 16:09

Four cultural centers are currently operating in the Khorezm region - Russian, Korean, Kazakh, Tatar and regional society of Uzbek-Turkmen friendship. Their activities are aimed at preserving and developing national values, customs and traditions.

As Zoya Nam,aHistory teacher at school #28 of the city of Urgench,notedthis isvery appealing to people of the older generation, as culture and art strengthen friendly relations between peoples. This year the International FriendshipClub was organized in their school so that students could get to know more closely the customs and traditions of representatives of other nationalities, with their history, promote their popularization, develop a sense of community, friendship, unity and embody the good idea "Uzbekistan is our common home!"

Over a hundred school pupils are the club members who take an active part in the cultural and educational activities of Khorezm, participate in foreign languages competitions.

Activists such as D. Botirov, N.Kuranbayev, O.Pak, D.Kuranbayeva, S.Khasanov, M.Turdiyeva, S.Kupalova and others are enrolled in the club. Under the motto "We are together!" they publish interesting and informative wall newspapers telling about the life and culture of other peoples.

It is gratifying that today representatives of different nationalities live as one family, in peace and harmony, as equal citizens, work and contribute to the welfare of the people and the prosperity of Uzbekistan.

The International Friendship Club organized events in the spring holidays in which students took an active part in theatrical performances. In addition, it is planned to celebrate special occasions of other peoples, establish cooperation with cultural centers of the region, and contribute to the development and strengthening of interethnic relations on the basis of friendship and mutual understanding.


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