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Uzbekistan: Development of tourism in the region

08/06/2018 16:13

In order to further enhance the touristic potential of the Khorezm region in Uzbekistan in 2018, 60 projects for the development of the infrastructure of the sphere, including the construction of new facilities for servicing domestic and foreign tourists, are planned.

In addition, 20 events of local and international importance, participation of workers of tourism organizations in 9 foreign fairs are planned in the Khorezm region.

Due to the opening of new tourist routes, more than 1.2 million tourists are expected to arrive in the region by the end of the year.

With a view to eliminating the seasonal nature of tourism, republican and regional departments and organizations have developed particular weekly and monthly plans for 144,000 local tourists to visitKhorezm. At present, a number of schools “Ustoz-Shogird” (Teacher-Apprentice)have been created in the Ichan-Kala museumfor sewing, ceramics, wood carving and other kinds of folk and applied art.

The local youth studies the traditions of their fathers and grandfathers with great interest, actively participates in contestsand takes prizes.

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