Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

News / Новости

Uzbekistan: Launching of a new enterprise

16/07/2018 03:56

The free economic zones operating in Uzbekistan provide additional services for entrepreneurs. The head of the LLC "Nurmuhammad Islom Obod" Rahmadjon Matkarimov is one of the business people who took advantage of these opportunities. From his initiative, the new enterprise located in FEZ "Khazorasp" of the Khorezm region will produce disposable medical gloves.

According to Rakhmadjon Matkarimov, $450,000 have been allocated for the implementation of this project by the Khazorasp district branch of Milliy Bank. The equipment purchased in China will arrive soon. Following this, Chinese experts will come and make its installation. All is ready to launch the business - the building has been constructed, engineering communications are laid. This will allow making all the commissioning in a short time.

The technology of manufacturing the products provides two-shift operation of equipment. 24 thousand pairs of medical gloves will be produced here in each shift. The commissioning of the new enterprise will enable 70 local residents to be employed.


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