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Uzbekistan: Export growth in Khorezm

16/07/2018 03:57

Significant work is carried out in the Khorezm region, as well as throughout Uzbekistan, in order to stimulate and expand the export activities of business entities.

5 new types of export-oriented products have been certified in the first quarter of this year by the Khorezm Test and Certification Center. Products and goods manufactured in the Khorezm region are planned to be sold in 20 countries.

Currently, 51 enterprises producing sandwich panels, paint and varnish materials, acorns, pomegranate and carrot juices and other products are engaged in agricultural and industrial export activities in the region. Since the beginning of this year, agricultural products and industrial goods have been exported by more than $4.1 million and $2 million respectively. In order to increase the export volume, 287 hectares of land have been allocated to the initiative agricultural producers in demand on the foreign market. Among these, 156 hectares have been allocated for the development of greenhouse farms; modern greenhouses are erected on 53 hectares. Due to the investments in the amount of $56.3 million, 49 projects are being implemented in the agricultural sector.

In addition, projects have been developed for long-term storage of vegetables and fruits, which provide for the purchase and installation of 335 units of modern refrigeration equipment with a capacity of more than 78,000 tons.

A large demand for domestic dried fruits requires additional work to increase the volume of their exports. This year, it is planned to implement 16 projects for 17 billion soums. As a result, 16,000 tons of fruits and vegetables are projected to be processed.

In order to increase export potential, customs procedures and export-import operations are being improved in Khorezm.

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