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Uzbekistan: Improvements of living conditions in rural areas

16/07/2018 03:58

In the Khorezm region, as in the whole country, the program "Obod Kishlok" ("Well-maintained village") is being implemented, which is aimed at gradual improvement of living conditions of the population, achievement of positive changes and living standards of the villagers.

The village of Gulobod (the Yangiarik district) was chosen for the implementation of the program. In recent years, due to a number of reasons, infrastructure facilities, streets and roads of the village, the water and electricity supply system, the sphere of rendering cultural and personal services have ceased to meet modern requirements, which created many inconveniences among people.

Within the framework of the program, large-scale creative work was carried out here in a short time. There are 4 mahallas on the territory of the village - "Soburzon", "Arbolar", "Achchikkuli" and "Kungirot". Today it is home to more than 10 thousand people. The working group bypassed 1918 houses located on 44 streets of the village and studied the condition of household conditions of the families living there. Much attention was paid, first of all, to providing people with clean drinking water. During the study of the applications and proposals of the villagers, new water pipes were laid on the streets Oydin, Shiddat, Guzhumzor, Dustlik and Yuskalish, as a result of which clean water was supplied to all the houses of the mahalla "Soburzon". In addition, the public school №13 and pre-school facility №3 were provided with water as well.

To improve power supply, the power lines were updated and 30 obsolete supporting wooden poles in Soburjon and Kungirot mahallas were dismantled, 7 transformers were put into operation. As a result, now, general education schools №13, 14, 15 and 35, as well as pre-school №3, have ceased to experience interruptions in electricity supply.

As a result of a house-to-house detour, it was found out that houses of the residents of the mahalla "Kungirot" F.Matyakubov, J.Zhumabaev, H.Kodirov, O.Rakhimov, B.Rakhmatullaev, P.Matchanov, J.Dosov and R.Matyakubov, as well as preschool educational institution №3 experienced a problem with the gas supply. Since the end of March and the beginning of April, the needy have been provided with 323 cylinders filled with liquefied gas.

In addition, technical inspection of 53 gas supply facilities was carried out, 156 meters of the gas pipeline were reconstructed, and 767 meters were put into service.

The program pays attention to the state of internal rural roads. A patchwork of the road "Khonka - Yangiariq - Chikirchi - Khiva", which passes through the village of Gulobod, was carried out. All road markings have been redrawn. The internal roads on the streets of Oltinsaroy, Kishlok Khayoti, Nukus, Shabnam, Uzumzor, Bodomzor and Soglom turmush are lined and covered with rubble. In the mahalla "Soburzon" on the road section, obsolete reinforced concrete curbs have been replaced with new ones.

The construction, reconstruction and overhaul of social facilities are being carried out at an accelerated pace. Thus, in the pre-school educational establishment №3, the windows and doors have been replaced with the new ones and the interior decoration of the building is currently underway. 4 general schools of Gulobod village are also being repaired, and a public control point is being built in the mahalla "Soburzon".

Measures are being implemented in the village to bring homeowners in line with modern architectural norms.

From 1918 houses the facades of 1820 houses have been renovated. The area around 250 houses has been cleaned of litter.

Out of 10,383 people living in Gulobod, 632 people have been employed. In order to solve the employment problem in the municipality of the Soburzon mahalla, the construction of a shop for the production of bakery products has begun; loans have been allocated for the development of entrepreneurial activities. With these funds, 90 villagers built greenhouses.

During the meetings of the working group with the population, a resident of the mahalla "Soburzon" Niyozdzhon Kuchkarova, suffering from a chronic illness, was provided with medicines free of charge. Specialists of family polyclinics conducted a medical examination of 120 persons with disabilities, 60 pregnant women, and 150 toddlers up to one year old as well as those needing treatment.

The implementation of the program "Well-maintained village" will serve to improve the life of the villagers and create decent conditions for them.


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