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News / Новости

Uzbekistan: Development of poultry in the region

16/07/2018 03:58

One of the most profitable branches in agriculture is poultry farming. Therefore, it occupies a leading position in the agrarian sector of the Khorezm region in Uzbekistan. One of the successfully operating enterprises in the region is the LLC “Kuskupir Parranda”. The enterprise produces poultry meat on an industrial basis. In the first quarter of this year, the poultry meat and eggs were sold for 1 billion 200 million soums.

Managers and specialists of the enterprise do not stop at the achieved results. Owing to the bank loan, 3 additional blocks for keeping birds were built. They have modern equipment purchased abroad, for which $718,000 were allocated.

This will allow increasing the number of farmed poultry and bringing the production of meat to 600 tons and eggs to 10 million pieces by the end of this year, as well as creating new jobs, strengthening the enterprise's economy, and increasing the salaries of employees.

The received profit from the sale of products is directed to the introduction of advanced technologies, strengthening of the feed base. Part of it goes to charity. The enterprise provides low-income families with chickens for growing and, in turn, receiving additional income.

Together with poultry farming in a LLC, fruit and vegetable growing develops. Over the past two years, the enterprise has exported vegetables and fruits abroad for $500,000.


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