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Uzbekistan: Results of investment in textile industry

16/07/2018 04:00

The textile industry in Uzbekistan is developing rapidly, and the demand for products with the brand "Made in Uzbekistan" is also increasing in the recent years.

Operating since 2016 in the Shavat district of the Khorezm region, a joint venture with the UK in the form of a LLC "Katqal'a-teks" is aimed at the production of hosiery.

According to the company's chief director, Umirbek Abdullayev, the company produces 70 million pairs of hosiery products a year. And if last year the goods were produced for 10 billion 805 million soums, then for the first quarter of this year it is 9 billion 319 million soums. The products are mainly exported to the Russian Federation, Moldova, the USA and the Czech Republic. So, in 2017, exports amounted to more than 140,000 hosiery products for $42,500. As a result, the enterprise received a tax benefit of 217 million soums. Also for 3 months they received a privilege for 803 million soums from the value added tax, due to which they acquired spinning and packaging Italian equipment. Now they can expand production and create new jobs.

The modern equipment installed here enables to produce popular hosiery products. At this enterprise, 300 people had been initially employed, but last year another 150 jobs were opened. Today, it is a dynamically developing and proven manufacturer of high-quality products. Several hundred people work in shops of this LLC.

As the worker of the enterprise Mukaddas Ermetova noted, the stable work of the enterprise is promoted by creating the necessary conditions for productive work. They are provided with overalls and hot meals. For those who live in remote villages, a bus is available. They try to fulfill their duties qualitatively, thereby contributing to the implementation of the production program.

During the years of independence, Uzbekistan has formed a favorable climate for the successful implementation of large-scale and high-tech projects in textile production. At the enterprise, specialists, studying the market and proceeding from the demand of the population, constantly work on new projects. For example, the production of terry towels is also a success. Currently, a seasonal collection of hosiery products is being developed. When working with foreign enterprises, they are offered variants of manufactured products and on the basis of the contract, orders are fulfilled.


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