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Uzbekistan: Intensive development to the Country side

06/08/2018 12:54

As it is commonly stated there is activity and desire for creation in every good work. In Uzbekistan, working groups, which are divided into 4 sectors, are implementing the program called "Well-organized Countryside", aimed at comprehensive social and economic development of the regions.

In the village of Oqdarband, located in Koshkupir district of the Khorezm region, today's changes and the well-groomed image of the mahallas cause a sense of satisfaction among the villagers, living conditions of whose were improved in a short period of time and new facilities were providedfor them regarding social services.

A month ago, a working group of the second sector carried out reconstruction of the pre-school educational institution No.18 named "Faragat", and its opening was recently held. It was attended by 130 children of the "Ittifok" mahalla, who will be divided into 6 groups and, thereafter, will learn to read and count.

According to Sayyora Abbosova, the head of pre-school educational institution, 8 teachers and 8 nanniesare going to workwith these children. Classes will be organized in a game form based on the programs "Bolajon" and "Bilimdon." In this institution, water supply, sewerage and heating system have been successfully installed.

The joy of children playing on the court, where carousels and swings are erected,a gazebo, small slides anda summer football pitch cause even greater joy of their parents.

Pavements and roads have been asphalted, flowers and fruit have been planted and ornamental trees have been set up.

As noted by the teacher of preschool educational institution Salomat Rakhimova, such conditions have become a real gift not only for children, but also for their parents. She has been working here for about 30 years. Until today, the conditions here were not the best. After reconstruction, they were provided with furniture, and children's literature, all the necessary conditions were created for children.

Another important event for the villagers was the opening of a new sewing workshop in the form of "Darband Chevarlari" LLC, where 100 girls from low-income families were able to find jobs, over 20 of which were with limited physical capabilities.

According to the head of the workshop Gavkhar Matnazarova, who is the chairman of the regional department of the Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan "Tadbirkor ayol", having learned that it is possible to create a workshop and open new jobs within the framework of the "Well-organized Countryside" program, it began to operate. Today they have bought 60 sewing machines of foreign production, the other day they must deliver another 40. Basically, they intend to work on behalf of organizations and institutions. The girls themselves are satisfied with the created conditions and the new work.

All the workers are residents of the mahallas "Ittifok", "Oshokal", "Uzbek". Work for them is organized in one shift. As the head of the workshop Gavkhar Matnazarova noted, in the near future it is planned to expand the range of products and create new jobs.

There is information and resource center in the same building of the center of culture and leisure of the population, however there was not much literature available at the disposal of the readers. Within the framework of the "Improved Mahalla" program, the Khorezm regional council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan handed to the center over 1,500 books - fairy tales, works of art by domestic and foreign writers in Uzbek and Russian.

According to Sapargul Saparova, the head of the information and resource center, if love and interest in books are instilled from childhood, the culture of reading among the population will increase. The new books that they have recently received show that systematic educational work is being carried out in Uzbekistan aimed at attracting citizens to the study of national and universal literature. This month they will be delivered another 5 thousand books, including children's literature. From now on, young readers will visit this center more often.

Another new object - the shop for baking bread "Yangi Kushkupir" decorated the streets of the mahalla "Ittifok." Here, 6 girls bake 600-800 loaves, 300-400 rolls, the same number of flat cakes, as well as loaves and other bakery products each day.

According to the head of the shop Komil Nurimov, he is engaged in baking and selling bread. The intention to open a bakery shop in this village appealed to local authorities. In the framework of the program "Well-organized Countryside" he was supported to get a loan of 34 million soums for the purchase of the furnace, and members of the working group of the second sector were renovated. Now, on this abandoned object once, its employees will provide services to the population. In autumn, they plan to buy new equipment for baking confectionery products and open new work places. All these facilities have been recently opened in a solemn atmosphere.

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