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Uzbekistan: Supporting the youth

06/08/2018 12:54

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the effectiveness of the state youth policy and support the activities of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan", the Khorezm regional council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan together with the regional departments of the interior affairs and the prosecutor's office held a youth event called "We believe in the future". Representatives of youth took part in it.

Speaking at the event, the Deputy Head of the Khorezm Region S. Salayev, Chairman of the Regional Council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan M. Masharipov, Head of the Department of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs S. Rakhimov spoke about the great attention paid in Uzbekistan to the upbringing of the younger generation. It was noted that the purpose of the Forum was to help young people to spend their leisure time meaningfully, to find the true way in life, to be engaged in private business, to involve teenagers in creative and sports sections and to positively influence on their thinking and outlook.

After the opening ceremony, discussions were held for participants in breakout sessions to prevent crime and delinquency among young people, as well as addictions such as smoking, drug and alcohol use, plus, the need to involve young men and women in regular physical education and sports.

At the end of the event a concert program was conducted with the participation of singers and musicians. Honorary diplomas and memorable gifts were given to the active participants of the Forum.

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