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Uzbekistan: Innovation ideas of the youth in the business sector

06/08/2018 12:55

The Khorezm regional stage of the contest "Young Innovator of the Year-2018" was held in Urgench, organized by the regional council of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan. 33 winners of regional and city stages of competition participated in it and demonstrated their innovative projects.

The event was addressed by the chairman of the Khorezm regional council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Sh. Safarboyev who noted that this competition is being held in order to ensure the implementation of the State program for the Strategy of Action for the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the "Year of support of active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies ", as well as supporting innovative ideas, technologies and projects that are an important factor in the development of the regional economy and the country. In turn, it is also aimed at supporting young start-up entrepreneurs who are willing to start business activity, develop new innovative projects. Most of them, taking advantage of the opportunities created by the state, expand production and contribute to the development of the economy.

Participants presented their innovative business ideas, projects and developments to the jury. According to the results of the competition, the first place was taken by Sotimposhsho Odamboeva, a student of the professional community service college of the Yangiaryk district. She presented her work on the development of the agricultural sector, which attracted the attention of many participants of the event.

In addition, winners were determined in such nominations as "The youngest author of the innovative idea", "The author of the most effective innovative project", "The author of the most promising innovation project for small business" and "The author of the best innovative development".

The winners and prize-winners of the contest were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts of the Khorezm regional council of UzLiDep.


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