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Uzbekistan: Khiva from the bird-eye’s view

06/08/2018 12:57

In ancient Khiva, a balloon rally was launched for pupils of secondary schools, children from the "Children's Town"and from low-income families, as well as those in need of social protection. It was organized in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to ensure the accelerated development of domestic tourism" Khorezm regional state tax administration in conjunction with the regional administration, the regional department of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, Khorezm Council of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan.

The main purpose of the action is to familiarize the younger generation with the cultural and historical heritage. The participants of this action were able to see minarets, madrassas and museums of Ichan-Kala at an altitude of 97 meters.

According to the director of the Khorezm regional branch of the Federation of Aeronautics of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Setmatov, similar action was held in Samarkand and Bukhara. Their goal is not only to develop aeronautics in the region, but also to contribute to the development of tourism. They closely cooperate with GosKomTurizm, therefore they think that such air tours as a tourist attraction will attract even more visitors to Khiva. The young Khiva citizens who were flying today in a hot air balloon over Ichan-Kala were very happy about this action. Also it interested both local and foreign tourists.

This promotion will continue in the summer months. Guests of the ancient city will be able to climb about 100 meters high for half an hour to look at it from a height and make beautiful photos. In the future, the attraction will work on an ongoing basis.


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