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Uzbekistan: Fortresses, preserving a chronicle of the past

08/02/2015 15:45

The history of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as is the history of many ancient regions of our country, is characterized by its richness, diversity, and is of great interest. Without hesitation this land can be called as a sanctuary of archaeological findings and sites. There are plenty of archaeological sites that are distinguished by their uniqueness and attractiveness.


According to historical sources, in Karakalpakstan first human communities emerged during the late Paleolithic period. From the fifth millennium up until the beginning of the second millennium B.C., people lived mostly on the banks of the Amudarya river and the steppes around the Aral and Caspian seas. At the end of the second millennium B.C. there emerged irrigational farming.

During excavations in the ruins of Koykrylgan - kala, Oybuyir -kala and Burli-kala was found written records related to the fourth century B.C., and in ruins of Koykrylgan - kala and Okshohon - kala was found sanctuaries of an ancient painting and monumental arts. These findings are silent witnesses of many great events of the past, the socio-political processes that had taken place in this land which was located on the routes of the Great Silk Road. Khorezm shahs' Palace called «Toprak - kala» is one of the most magnificent monuments of the late antique period.

Archaeological and ethnographic expeditions conducted under the guidance of renowned scholars and archaeologists Y. Gulyamov and S. Tolstov in the thirties of 20th century in the lower reaches of the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers and around the deserts of Karakum and Kyzylkum, was a cornerstone to a large-scale research works and studies in these areas.

In subsequent years, there were discovered and studied large number of archeological monuments of different eras - from the Stone Ages to the late Middle Ages. Because of this it became possible to restore the history and culture of the people who inhabited in the south-eastern part of the Aral Sea.

Thanks to the initiatives and dedication of scientists of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, today a vigorous archaeological searches are being carried out.

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