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Uzbekistan: Unique touristic potential of Kashkadarya region

05/05/2015 16:14

Kashkadarya region attracts tourists with its unique nature and ancient monuments. Currently a large-scale work on development of tourism, the efficient use of the unique historical and cultural heritage of the region, the construction of hotels and service centers, opening of new tourist routes is being held in the region.

An important factor in this direction is the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on development of tourism sector in Kashkadarya region in 2013-2015. Within the framework of implementation of this resolution, significant work was carried out in the region. Stands and maps of cultural and touristic sites in the region were prepared. Work in this area is going on.

At the museum which is being built in Hudjailgor village of Yakkabog district, information and things related to childhood, family and work of the great Amir Temur will be shown. Handicraft centers will be built in “Bekmir” madrasah of Karshi city and “Koba” caravanserai in Shakhrisabz, and a touristic complex in the territory of the Kukdala settlement of Chirakchi district.

At the same complex, which will be opened at the Achinkul lake in Mirishkor district, there will be a relaxation area with yurts and a modern swimming pool, all conditions for boat trips and fishing. On the shore of the lake, work on landscaping and gardening will be held. In Mingchinor it is planned to build mountain-ski base, cable car, modern attractions, restaurants and shops, and in Hudjakuduk village in Kasan district to open a health center, where patients will be treated with curative water.

In towns and districts, it is planned to construct thirty new hotels. Objects of trade and services will be put into operation. The quality and efficiency of transport services will be improved. Measures are being taken on establishing the territory of historical-spiritual, historical-ethnic, ecological touristic routes and route of cultural activities. Work is provided on development of production of souvenirs, leisure of population and tourists. Work on showing national sports such as Kurash, Kupkari to tourists will be improved.

Within the framework of the ongoing work in the complex “Oksaroy” in Shakhrisabz from June 2014, folklore-ethnographic and theatrical performances will be organized. At the recreation area “Odina” of Karshi city, performances of “Nasaf guzallari”, “Tarona”, “Momogul” ensembles will be organized. Work is being held on establishing a “” portal for the general promotion of the touristic potential of Kashkadarya. A brand of the region will be created, offices where tourists will be able to obtain the necessary information will start operating at the Karshi airport terminal, railway and bus stations.


It is planned to carry out the restoration of historical monuments of the region, in particular, complex of “Odina”, the fortress wall “Kukgumbaz”, “Kurgoncha” mosque in Karshi. The carried out large-scale work will contribute to transformation of the region into the landscaped region and increase tourist flow arriving

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