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Uzbekistan: At the russian cultural center: We are one family

05/05/2015 16:18

Representatives of various nationalities are living in the Republic of Uzbekistan under the conditions of peace, inter-ethnic harmony and inter-religious tolerance contributing to the development and prosperity of the country and preserving the identity of national traditions and customs. 150 national cultural centers in Uzbekistan play important role in this. One of them is the Russian cultural center of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.


On February 15, at the “Progress” assembly hall of the Center for development and education, a festive event dedicated to this date was held. It was attended by the heads of ministries and departments, cultural centers, representatives of Russian Diaspora, mass media, as well as by the head of Representative office of the Russian cooperation in Uzbekistan Valeriy Victorovich Kayer, chairman of the Russian cultural center of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alexander Valentinovich Arestov. Chairman of the Russian cultural center of the Republic of Karakalpakstan G.A.Zorkina made a report on activities of this centre.


- All these years, our center is contribution to strengthening friendship between our peoples, promotion of Russian language and culture, propaganda of inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance, - she said. - Looking back at the past twenty years, I am pleased to remember those activists of Russian center who stood at its source, and made an invaluable contribution to its formation and development. The first head of our center was Anatoliy Semenovich Efremov. Alexander Ivanovich Balakin, Yuriy Ivanovich Kulakov, Larisa Vitalievna Kalacheva played a major role in the establishment of our Center and its development. Our center has become a hotbed of education and culture through their efforts, purposeful work. Over the years, we have established good relationships with faculty members and students at KSU named after Berdakh and NSPI named after Ajiniyaz, teachers and students of secondary schools and the “Progress” Centre for Education and Development. Competition for the best office in Russian language, which was attended by teachers of secondary schools and colleges of the city has become a real showcase of creativity and pedagogical skills. The winner of this contest became the teaching staff of the school gymnasium of Nukus, which were awarded a diploma and valuable gifts. It has become a tradition to present textbooks in Russian at KSU Berdakh, recitals of A.S.Pushkin, A.P. Chekhov and M.V. Lomonosov at the “Progress” Education Center, meetings of Maslenitsa (Shrovetide) at NSPI name d after Ajiniyaz and more others. I, as the chairman of the center, am pleased that our teachers and students participate at such events with great enthusiasm and desire. A competition, “Do you know the history of Russia”, which was attended by all schools in Nukus became a real celebration of friendship. The final stage of the festival was held at school №27. It was a real celebration: songs were replaced by the performance of Russian dances, folk songs, live performances on the works of A.P. Chekhov and A.S. Pushkin. In addition, the exhibition of Russian souvenirs, household items, Russian cuisine and national decorations was opened at the hall. It should be noted that our teachers and young students are taking an active part in various international competitions and are winning prizes. So, in 2008, a student of school №37 of Nukus Alexandra Terekhina won an international competition on Russian language, which was held in Moscow. In 2007, a teacher of Russian language and literature from Turtkul Valentina Egorovna Pismennaya became a winner of the international Pushkin competition, and in 2008 – a teacher of Nukus school №17 Madina Berjanova. Students of College of Culture and Arts Akhylbek Piyazov and Nauruzbek Makhamadiyarov won the competition of Russian romance in Tashkent.


Our Russian cultural center is located at the building that was donated to us by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This act of attention and support is evidence of friendship between our peoples, that Uzbekistan is our common home. Therefore, we love our favorite holidays “Navruz”, Independence Day, that we widely celebrate together with our students of “Znayka” groups. Our center offers various clubs for children, a library, and recently we opened the exhibition dedicated to the works of the greatest Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, which was visited by a number of schools students. Our Russian center is open to all who cherish Russian culture, peace and harmony. We will continue to strengthen and develop friendly relations with all the peoples living in our country, support and develop the Russian culture.


V.V.Kayer, A.V.Arestov, chairman of the Veterans Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan J.Muyatdinov, chairman of the Association of Korean cultural centers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan M.A.Kogay, deputy chairmen of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre E.P Shevchenko, Kazakh cultural center Z.B.Kalieva congratulated the Russian Cultural Centre. A large group of Russian teachers and medical workers were awarded certificates on behalf of Representative office of Russian Cooperation in the Republic of Uzbekistan. A gala concert was held at the end of the official part of the meeting.

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