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Uzbekistan: First printing in central Asia Otajonov Abdal

26/06/2015 19:48

In 1873 the Russian Empire invaded the Khanate of Khiva and Khiva,and a large number of manuscripts were taken away from there. To supplement and replace of lost books, Mohammed Rahimkhan, studied Iranian, Russian, Indian and Chinese printing, opened and a print shop in Khiva. In 1874, on the orders of Muhammad Said Rahimkhan from the Swiss city of Geneva equipment for the printing of books were discharged  and brought to Khiva  On the contract Iranian master Ibrahim Sultan was invited, who was the first in Central Asia, he started work in the printing workshops (lithography). Expert of the business, the master was looking for the same intelligent, trained, physically fit, fast learner, which also could wield Arabic, Persian and Turkish, but many people do not want scientists to work because it was difficult. This profession can be learned only person who wanted to learn how to print new books to reprint old books and was ready to put his heart and soul into the work.

One day a teenager came to him who wanted to become a disciple of the master. Master asked him if he knew Farsi. Teenager said he knew. Master was happy and pleased that he had a student, he began to teach slowly him the case.

Subsequently, in 1874, student Ibrahim Sultan Abdol Otajonov with his son published works of Alisher Navoi "Khamsa" ("Pyateritsa") and Muniz Khwarizmi "Munis street-ushshok." Ibrahim Sultan year later returned to his homeland. A Otajonov Abdol continued to print books. In Khiva printing were printed the following books: in 1876 - a work of Abu Nasir Farabi "Niso Sibiёn Street" in 1879 - a work Shermukhammad Muniz "Munis street-ushshok" in 1880, the product of Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa" (Pyateritsa) ( Dastan "Hayratul Abror"), and in 1882 - "Hazoyin Mahon Street" and the product of Muhammad Rizo Agakhi "Taviz ul-oshikin" in 1897 - a work of Muhammad Rahimkhan Feruza "Devon Feruz" in 1909 - a work Tabib " Majmuat br-Shuar."

In Khiva, one of the first masters were Alexey Salapov Shneydel and Gustav, which together with Ibrahim Sultan trained Otajonov who was eighteen. As a result, Otajonov became known among the people as a printer of books.

Printing paper appeared in England. In one of the factories producing paper, the employee forgot to add glue into the raw, that is why he was fired. However, a paper was prepared well it absorbed moisture, which was important in their case.

After that, the owner of the factory started the production of printing paper and quickly became rich.

After a certain time in Khiva printing production began to develop, and with the permission of Otajonov Abdal Khan went to Tashkent and Moscow to learn the secrets of tipograph. He is a recognized expert in their field. And his disciples there. The it started printing works of poets. In 1920 he was sent for printing equipment, electric motor letters. After that Khiva newspaper began to appear, as well as the first newspaper "Khorezm truth."

From 1920 to 1927, under the direction of Otajonov Abdalova in Khiva there was a newspaper "Inkilob Kuyosh" (up iyunya1928 year). July 1, 1928 the printing house moved to Urgench. After the death of Otajonov Abdalova (1927), his disciples continued the work of his teacher.

In historical documents there are datas about employees Khiva printing Otajonov Abdalova, Ota Miskinove, Nizomiddin Shamsiddinov, Sodikov Halimova, Boybobo Makhmudov, Rahimbergane Hudoyberganova, Matёkube Kamolova, Rahmonkulov Otazhonove encoding Abdullayev Boyzhone Otazhonove, Mullah Bekchone Rakhmonov Afzal Tagirova, Zokirov Bekchurine, Madrakhimov Saidashev Habib Samigullin, Dzhumaniёze Kalantarova, Zokirova Muhammad Umar Kurbonov Karim Boltaeva, Kurbonov Berigine, Sadullah Urazova, Majid Rahmati, Madaminov Yakubov. At the same time that they were masters of their craft, they are elevated to the status of the profession of art.

More information can be found in Urgench publishing newspapers, where in addition to this there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the museum "Ichan Kala". Under the leadership of workers there opened a museum exhibition titled "The sixtieth anniversary of Khorezm truth."

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