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Uzbekistan: Khorezm tourism is developing in full swing

27/08/2015 14:23

According to the Khorezm regional branch of the national company "Uzbektourism", based on the Program of tourism development in Khorezm region for 2013-2015 in an oasis scheduled implementation of 204 projects. In 2013,for the implementation of more than 100 such projects have been spent 61.4 billion soums.

      Currently in the region there are 27 hotels. According to the implementation of the program of tasks in 2015, the number of hotels in the area is planned to increase to 57. In the past year about ten cultural heritage has been renovated , in particular, the building of the regional puppet theater, local history museum complexes Nurullaboy Gods Shamol, madrassas Otajonov Tour , Chodir Hovli, Muzhona. Local entrepreneurs continue to work on the creation of 200 local hotel on the basis of unused buildings.

     - Noteworthy work carried out in order to provide new tourist routes in Khiva, Bagat and Urgench district, - says the manager of the Khorezm regional branch of the national company "Uzbektourism" Odilbek Rakhimov. - In particular, at the facilities of the Gods Shamol, Eshon Ravot in Khiva district completed construction work. Work is being completed on the territory of historical monuments Kalazhikkala, Hiva Korakul and Ulli Hovli. However, the creation of a single register of all cultural heritage sites located in the region, made up of the passport of their current state. In cooperation with the Academy of Mamun formed information-reference database of historical and cultural significance of each object.

Starting with the April 5, 2013 artistic groups composed of ethnographic folk ensembles "Doston-folk", "Hiva folklore" and family folklore ensemble "Sayqal" madrassa Ollokulihon show concert programs for foreign tourists. The city museum of Ichan-kala in English being the show of the pearls of the Uzbek national cinema as "Tahir and Zuhra", "The Adventures of Nasriddin", "Alisher Navoi", "The past days." Theatre performances held in the complex regional theater groups Toshhovli musical drama named Ogahi and regional puppet theater, give tourists an unforgettable experience.

In June 2013 in the territory of the State Museum-Reserve of Ichan-kala festival was held in Khorezm culture "Khorezm Madaniyati." It  was first organized tourist fair «Uzbekiston Travel Workshop-2013", and on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Republican review competition poets and Bakhshi akyns  at the initiative of the national company "Uzbektourism" and the advertising agency "Buyuk Ipak Yuli". The festival was attended by more than 300 foreign tourists.

- Khorezm has great potential and opportunities for the development of production of various souvenirs, - said the representative of the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ Hannelore Benson. - Transmitted for centuries from generation to generation patterns of national crafts of great interest to tourists. Our organization is actively involved in the publication of the directory "Khorezm gilamlari" ("Khorezm carpets").

Clothing symbol tourism brand Oasis is in high demand among foreigners. At a meeting in September 2013, the French tourism fair TOPREZA and XIX of the Tashkent International Tourism Fair tour operators participated in the field for the first time under the brand name of its field. As part of the French tourism fair TOPREZA area between tourist companies and foreign partners were signed more than 50 contracts. In order to promote the tourism potential of the region for the employees of foreign media and tour operators were organized by "Mego-info-tours".

In the complex Ichan-kala and Urgench International Airport established constant work of tourist information offices. The development of tourism is very important qualification of experts. In this regard, in order to training, retraining and advanced training of specialists was organized regional branch educational and scientific production center at the national company "Uzbektourism". In 2013, 20 young men and women have been trained in courses of guides and interpreters, they were given special certificates.

Their services offer tourists tour guides, fluent in English, German, French, Russian and other languages. In order to expand the ranks of interpreters at the expense of young people in the program was launched the regional department of educational consulting center at the National Company "Uzbektourism". Work has begun to establish a database on tourism opportunities in the area, preparation and publication of guides that meet international standards. By publishing preparing tourist map of the area and the magazine "Guide to Khorezm" in several foreign languages.

In a demonstration of tourism potential of our country play an important role held contests and international exhibitions. The enormous potential of our country in the sphere of tourism was once again demonstrated at the International Tourism Fair held in Paris on 24-27 September 2013. Presentation on tourism opportunities in Uzbekistan, all interested.

There were discussions and exchange of experience with the participants of the fair. Their attention was drawn to books, photo albums and booklets, videos, telling about ancient monuments in Khiva, conducted large-scale creative work. Travel agencies region, participated in the fair, held talks with representatives of travel agencies from more than 50 countries.

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