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Uzbekistan: Spiritual values, the holy truths in northwest consecrated catholic churches

28/08/2015 14:24

In Uzbekistan, in a single family home to representatives of different nationalities. They all have an equal opportunity to develop the identity, satisfaction of their spiritual and cultural needs, take full advantage of the country's Basic Law provided for the rights and freedoms. Proof of this is the existence in the country of different faiths.

Last Sunday in Urgench, Khorezm region's main city of the republic, the congregation of the Roman Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy was a big celebration on the occasion of its consecration. In celebration of the guests arrived from Poland, Turkmenistan, delegations of Catholic parishes with priests from Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand and Fergana. Among the participants were representatives of the city administration, creative organizations, mahallas, staff of the local media.

Opened and chaired the ceremony of consecration of the church, His Grace Bishop Jerzy Maculewicz - the head of the Catholic Church in Uzbekistan. He noted in particular the respect and goodwill of the Uzbek people to the representatives of other nations, tolerance, which is its great advantage.

In the rite of consecration of the church attended by His Eminence Archbishop (nuncio) Ivan Jurkovic - Vatican Ambassador in Uzbekistan and the Consul of the Republic of Poland in Uzbekistan Waldemar Kowalski.

- This holiday, - said the representative of the Catholic Father Andrew Madej Turkmenistan - in the life of the parish plays a huge role. I am very grateful to the abbot of the temple father Andrzej Yuzefovo for the invitation. I feel an incredible recovery from the Holy Mass. Be sure to give these enthusiastic feeling his parishioners and is reflected in his poems. And some of them dedicate Pearl of the Orient - beauty Khiva.

Share your experiences and former rector of the parish Father Andrew Kulchytsky "finished its five-year pastoral ministry in Urgench, about three years ago I went back to Poland, and today as a guest here again. I am happy to participate in the consecration of the church, to contemplate the arrival of the updated form to meet again always welcoming parishioners and friends. I was struck by the changes that have occurred in such a short time in Urgench such as wide streets with new beautiful houses, squares with fountains, the bright green of spring, flowers with a lot of built and the construction continues. I'm happy for the residents of Urgench and I will long remember with pleasure his stay here. "

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