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Uzbekistan: Expanding of the scope BRAND «MADE IN UZBEKISTAN»

03/09/2015 20:31

Every year, in our country the volume of exports increases, supplying products under the brand "Made in Uzbekistan" in dozens of countries near and far abroad. The premise - increasing the number of small businesses and private entrepreneurship, finding full support from the state.

An important contribution to this is Khorezm region. In the past year, efforts to expand export capacity in the area started 20 small businesses and private entrepreneurship. For example, PE "Inform-Algo" the beginning of the supply of materials software in the United States, Ltd. "velvet-Urgench" and OOO "Darital Shoes" successfully debuted on the Russian market by offering consumers colored fabrics and shoes. Private enterprise "Mahmoud" and "Rahim-Shahlohon" deliver to Kazakhstan burnt brick, Ltd. "Pitnyakohaktayёrlov" - lime in Kyrgyzstan, and OOO "Yangibazarlakrina" Ltd. and "Khorezm kovunlari" export to China extract of licorice root and melon.

Geography exports of Khorezm business is constantly expanding. Recently, it entered the Republic of Korea, Italy, Lebanon, Kenya, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Syria, Slovakia and other countries. Systematically expanding and product range. In addition to the listed products, demand for mineral water, knitwear, plastic and ceramic products, fruits and melons, building materials and more.

The leaders of the export activities of the joint venture had escaped "Khorezm Maver layer", LLC "Khiva ceramics", LLC "Bagat AGROIMPEKS" and OOO "Mahliyo textiles." No less currency inflow enters the Khorezm from tourism. In this area, the private enterprises in the region are cooperating with companies from 73 countries of the world.

- The share of the production of small and private businesses in the volume of regional exports is 36.4 percent - says the head of the Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Khorezm region Mansour Jumaniyazov. - This year, the list of exported products of our entrepreneurs will be topped with tomato paste, polypropylene bags, iodized salt, water filters and other products. The export activities are going to involve another 42 industrial enterprises. And in the general range of add 16 kinds of competitive products. For example, the joint venture "Billur integral service" is ready to start deliveries and Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan are high-quality detergent, and entrepreneurs from Shavat area - paint products and a number of other countries. In the active export activities take private enterprises ", Mustapa Dzhurabek", "Pakhtakor service", "Yaumut Nihol" and "Honka Billur Salt."

Among the companies focused on the production of new products for themselves, - Ltd. "Slassrgo" which began producing glass products, PE "Ilesbek-Siradzhbek" - nails and roofing felt. In total this year is planned to implement 54 investment projects to increase the export potential of the region. 87 companies already are working to enhance export activities. To this end, the Foundation support the export of small businesses and private entrepreneurship holds regular seminars and training sessions.

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