Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

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Uzbekistan: With delight and admiration

07/09/2015 20:35

Independence opened broad opportunities for tourism development in Uzbekistan. From the first years of the year an increasing number of tourists from different countries, including visiting the ancient and eternally young Khiva. Along with a tour of priceless monuments created by great ancestors, they get acquainted with the life of typical people express their admiration.

- This my visit took place in the celebrations of taking place to celebrate the spring holiday Navruz - said the guest from America Donna Scott. - We have left happily beautiful decoration Ichan-Kala prevailing here clean and tidy, the smile on the faces of the people and their sincere kindness. A great impression on us traditional holiday cooking custom sumalak mahalla "Ichankala." We were invited to taste the dish is beneficial. We tried other spring dishes, once again convinced of the genuine hospitality and friendliness of the Uzbek people. We are a group of tourists from other countries were very pleased that we were invited to the festive presentation, which took place on the square Kun Arch. While listening to captivating music and songs, along with dancers and we began to dance at the enchanting "Khorezm lyazgisi." These memorable moments will be remembered for a lifetime, and we will certainly tell you about them in their homeland.

   - We are very pleased that our journey to Khiva fell on Navruz. Aroused great interest we carefully preserved the rich heritage of culture, historical monuments, erected next to them modern buildings look mahallas - said a tourist from Belgium Vernak Cecilia. - The video frames, demonstrated on the big screen in Kunja Ark, we have witnessed huge changes taking place in Uzbekistan in the years of independence.

Such recognition of foreign visitors is another clear indication of ongoing incremental reforms.

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