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Uzbekistan: Oasis centre is blossoming day by day

16/09/2015 19:58

In Khorezm region conducted extensive work in the framework of execution of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to implement the master plan for the city of Urgench, radical improvement of water supply and Khorezm region," dated December 6, 2012.

According to developed on the basis of this resolution a special development program for 2013-2017 Urgench last year began building and repair of transport, engineering and communications systems and social infrastructure.

The terminal of the airport of Urgench and the surrounding area has done work on the improvement on the 7.1 billion soums, construction and installation work for 31.1 billion soums. On the street of Al-Khwarizmi built 12 apartment buildings, a hotel with 35 seats, new buildings Urgench branches of "Aloka bank," the insurance company "Uzbekinvest" and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, House of students with 160 seats, a house for 18 apartments for young families . On Urgench railway station and the lake Youth is on the construction and reconstruction. In this widely used architectural solutions of modern urban planning and the traditions of national architecture.

    In the every day an increasing number of vehicles. This is taken into consideration in the reconstruction of city streets. So, from 28 to 40 meters was expanded street Al-Khwarizmi, the distance between the buildings brought to 60 meters. This creates a convenience for both drivers and pedestrians. In the Park of Culture and Rest named after Amir Temur in the Urgench central dekhkan markets work on the construction and repair in accordance with modern requirements. On the banks of a channel flowing through the city Shavat skilled craftsmen from all regions in the spirit of national traditions built recreational facilities, children's playgrounds, facilities, special parking for boats. All this gives the regional center of special beauty and attractiveness, and will serve to further development of tourism in the oasis, increase the flow of foreign tourists.

On the territory of dormant industrial facilities started construction Yoshlik array. Construction is in full swing multi-storey buildings, a sports campus, college, school, kindergarten, items of trade and consumer services. These days, the work on the construction of 23 high-rise buildings. In accordance with the decree of the head of state about the program of tourism development in Khorezm region for 2013-2015 on March 20, 2013 on the existing field of 255 cultural heritage sites are working to repair and reconstruction.

    Modern houses, constructed on the basis of model projects, radically changing the face of our villages, are raising the living being of the population. Last year, 730 of these model homes were built on the area of ​​29 arrays. This year, the 28 arrays to be built 807 model homes, markets, and other social infrastructure.

Carried out extensive work on the construction, landscaping and gardening is a prime example of the creative potential of the people, the practical evidence of the enormous success of the country in which the person and his interests are priority.

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