Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

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Uzbekistan: Ancient Oriental City Khiva

19/04/2016 17:22

Historically, Khiva was one of the major cities of the ancient Khorezm, which was a big state, located in the west of Central Asia. According to archaeological evidence, the city was founded more than 2500 years ago. Today, in fact Khiva is a city-museum under the open sky, where a huge number of preserved minarets, madrasahs and mosques built in the X-XX centuries. Most of the architectural monuments of Khiva is concentrated in its urban center - "Ichan-Kala" (literally,"Interior Castle"). This is a "city within a city", surrounded by fortress walls with four gates towards the four cardinal points. Members and guests will be able to feel the spirit of the ancient city.

While developing of tourism in Khorezm, for tour operators was created the opportunity to get acquainted with new hotels and guest houses, re-created in the Khorezm region, such as a hotel "Hotel Orient Star», «Shahrezade», «Malika heivak»,hotel «Khiva Asia», hotel «Hayat Inn», hotel "Malika Khiva »,« Old Khiva», Malika Khorezm» and so many other hotels and guesthouses which  give tourists unforgettable pleasant travel feelings. 

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