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Uzbekistan: One of the hundred great caricaturists

27/09/2016 10:48

The works of the talented artist will never lose its relevance.Having a deep meaning and content, they reflect different spheres of life, set thinking deeply, cause a smile and sometimes tears.

Caricaturist is a difficult occupation; many people do not like othersto play a trick on them or to be ridiculed.Though in modern society humor is needed, it gives an opportunity to realize the events critically and to reveal the existing imperfections.

Among the friends and well-known caricaturists,Makhmudjon Eshonqulov is famous as a simple, good-natured man. In addition, as an artist he is able to catch and inform all the idea wandering in air, and reflect in the pictures what others even don’t guess.


From the early ages,Makhmudjon liked to have a good look at bright pictures attracting him genuine interest in the fine arts. During the school years, he concerned himself with the design of classrooms and wall newspapers. At that time, the reputation "master of drawing" was assigned to him.M. Eshonkulov has learned many things about painting from his teacher Ikromjon Akbarov with whom he went to mountains together and worked on sketches.

Having graduated with honors from the faculty of graphic arts of the Tashkent state pedagogical university named after Nizamiy, he worked at comprehensive school as a teacher. Soon Eshonqulov M. got a job in satirical magazine. Working with famous journalists, the artist looked for images for caricature in the works of eminent writers.

In his works, the author derides such pernicious phenomena as neglectful attitude to the nature, bureaucracy, bribery, extremism, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, indifference and adultery.He draws caricatures of athletes, doctors,as well as people who addicted to computers.Over time, the works of M. Eshonkulov become widely known, both in the country and abroad.They are published on the pages of foreign newspapers and magazines, taking the first place in different rankings.

The prize list of Makhmudjan Eshonqulov includes triumphs in exhibitions and competitions in the USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Argentine, Iran, Serbia, Nepal and Israel. As well as, he was an honorary member of the jury at the International Competition of Cartoons in 2003 in China, and at the International Festival of Cartoons in 2012 in Iran.MahmudjonEshonkulovisincluded into the list of "100 great masters of caricature."


During the years of independence, the member of the Creative Association of the painters of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan has created more than thousand drawings, and participated in 400 international exhibitions of cartoons, has received about 170 international awards.His works are well-known in Japan, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Brazil, China, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Spain, France and other countries. For the long-term works, the artist was awardedto the order of “Dustlik”.

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