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Uzbekistan: The Agricultural System of Khorezm

08/02/2017 20:05

Khorezm is an oasis located between the Kyzylkum and the Karakum Deserts and the area differs from other regions of Uzbekistan. Despite the fact that Khorezm is an arid region, with a long-term average annual precipitation rate of 100mm and an evapotranspiration rate of 1500mm, it is intensively cultivated. The first irrigation structures were already installed 1000 years BC. Between the late 17th and the early 20th century, a dense network of irrigation channels were constructed to distribute the water from the Amudarya to the dry lands. Since the soils are very salty, sodium flocks out, letting the surface appear as if covered with snow. Therefore, before planting, the soil has to be leached three times to wash out the excess salt. All the crop is watered by gravity irrigation, a method farmers are very skilful in applying. Drainage water is channelled in collectors and flows into artificial lakes.

Ploughing and harrowing is usually done by machines. Many other agricultural activities like weeding, harvesting or transplanting of rice are mainly carried out manually.

The main cash crops grown in the region are cotton, rice and wheat.

Khorezm is famous for its great variety of sweet and juicy melons, its apricots, peaches, apples, sour cherries, plums, pears, pomegranates, mulberries, quinces and grapes. The main vegetables cultivated in the region are yellow carrots, turnips, white onions, potatoes, garlic, maize, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbages, green peppers, radishes, beans and sunflowers.

Most families maintain a small garden next to their house. Livestock, sheep, goats, and poultry 

(chickens, geese, ducks, and peacocks) are kept in small numbers for subsistence.

Delicious fresh vegetables and fruit are grown for home consumption and marketed on the local bazaars.

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