Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

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Uzbekistan: Khorezmian Melons and Melon Festival in Khiva

07/02/2017 20:36

Historically, Central Asia has been famous for the great variety and excellent quality of its melons. There is proof that already in the 2nd century BC dried melon products were exported to China by Silk Road traders. Melon seeds were found during excavation works near ToprakQal'a, a fortress in Southern Karakalpakstan, dating back to the 3rd century AD.

Many melon types are grown in Uzbekistan. Khorezm and Karakalpakstan are famous melon growing regions. About forty different local melon varieties are on the markets. They can be distinguished by the time they reach maturity (early, mid-season, late ripening species), by shape, size, skin and pulp texture and last but not least by their taste. Melons with good shelf life are also marketed to other regions.

Don't leave Uzbekistan without tasting some of its delicious, sweet, juicy melons. On the melon section of the farmers market in Khiva you can find many melons with exotic names such as SariqZamcha(yellow, early ripening), Kari Kiz(grey green, late, wrinkly skin), Gurvak(grey green), BuriKalla(grey green), MahalliyBeshak(late ripening, good shelf life), ShoyiQovun(midseason ripening), BolQovun(yellow, midseason), Ola Hamma(late, dark green), Ko'kcha(early ripening, green, net pattern).

A touristic highlight is the "Gurvak Melon Festival" held in Khiva annually on the first weekend of August. Farmers display their melons and can win prizes for the best products. Singers and dancers from the whole region entertain theaudience.

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