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Uzbekistan: Tour to the Sights in the Outskirts of Ichon Qal'a

04/02/2017 12:36

In Khiva, one of the ancient cities of Uzbekistan, there are many historical monuments. It is situated in Khorezm region, in the Lower Amudarya.

There are many tourist sights outside of the walls of Ichon Qal'a worth visiting. The following tour can be done either by tour bus, by taxi, by bicycle, or if you are fit even on foot. You will not only get to know some of the historic sites, but also have a good chance to experience local life in Khiva.

The tour starts at Ota Darvoza (West Gate). From there, follow the Ichon Qal'a wall up to Bog'cha Darvoza (North Gate).

The first stop is the Khorezm Mamun Academy, the science centre of Khiva. The historic museum is worth a visit.

Pass Qo'sha Darvoza, one of the gates of the outer wall of Deshon Qal'a. Adjacent to it, you can see the old pharmacy of Feruz (now used as a hotel).

Do not miss to enter the Sayid Mohi Royi Jahon Complex built in 1884 by Muhammad Rakhim Khan II. You will see the beautifully tiled graves of Feruz, of his grandfather, his father and his grandson in the main complex, and the grave of his vizier, Islom Hoja, in the adjacent mausoleum.

You will pass the Avaz O'tar House. Avaz O'tar (1884-1919) was a socio-critical national poet of Khorezm who propagated the importance of education.

You will then reach the Gandimyon Gate (reconstructed in 1970), which is the entrance to the new bazaar. In the nearby village Gandimyon, the treaty incorporating the Khiva Khanate as protectorate into the Russian Empire was signed between the khan and the Russian General Kaufmann.




Qo'y Darvoza (Sheep Gate) is another main gate of the outer wall of Deshon Qal'a.

Now, head for the Dehqon Bazaar. Apart from experiencing the oriental flair of the bustling market life, you can see the Abdol Bobo Complex, a holy site built in 19th century.

Next to it, there is the Polvon Qori Medressa with its minaret (built in 

1905). Further on you will see the Niyoz Sholikorboy Complex (built in 1830-1840), consisting of a minaret and a mosque that is still in operation.

At the entrance of the bazaar, you can relax in the restaurant established in the Xusan Muxammadboy Madrassa.

A very special site is the To'rt Shovvoz Complex (built in 1885), considered to be a famous holy site. The complex consists of a minaret, winter and summer mosques and two Koran recitation centres (qorixona) grouped around a water basin with a water reservoir.



The next site is the Hospital, built in 1912 by Isfandiyor Khan (under the supervision of his vizier, Islom Hoja), in honour of Alexey, the son of Tsar Nicolay II who suffered from haemophilia. Many specialized physicians worked there. Vaccinations and treatment was free of charge. The hospital is still in operation. On the other side of the road, there is the post office, also built under the reign of Isfandiyor Khan in 1912-1913.


A part of the restored Deshon Qal'a wall (outer city wall) can be seen between the stadium and the Khiva Recreation Park.You can also visit the Shoximardon cemetery, where the founder of the Khiva Khanate, Elbars Khan (1511-1525), is entombed.





To see old technology still in use, visit the Khiva Ceramic Factory. Here, you can watch the entire production process of the stoneware typical for the Khorezm region. In the museum, you can admire some of the special pieces produced here. In the adjacent Ark Tea-house you can take a rest and buy refreshments or a small meal.


On your way to Qibla Toza Bog', one of the summer residences of the khan, you can see Ibrohim Hoja Madrassa located in what is now the premises of a school.



Qibla Toza Bog', the summer palace of Muhammad Rakhim Khan II, was built in 1897 and extended 1913. The palace, surrounded by high walls, consists of a two-storey residence, a library, a harem, stables, a mill and other service buildings grouped around three courtyards. It is surrounded by a huge vegetable and fruit garden. The palace is used as a restaurant.On your way back to Ota Darvoza, you will pass the small minaret, Chilla Avliyo.

The huge Nurullaboy Complex consisting of five courtyards, a mosque, a madrassa, a harem and stables is presently under reconstruction. The Nurullaboy Palace, built in 1912 by Isfandiyor Khan for the reception of foreign guests. The palace differs from the other royal residences in Khiva due to its exceptional mixture of western and oriental building styles and its extravagant ornamentation.



Finish off the tour at the starting point at Ota Darvoza (West Gate).




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