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Uzbekistan: The development of chemical industry in Uzbekistan

02/04/2017 15:16

The press conference devoted to the results of the activities of enterprises of the join-stock company “Uzkimyo sanoat” in 2016 took place in the national Press-center of Uzbekistan.


The speakers at the event noted, that the enterprises of the join-stock company produce various mineral fertilizers, man-made fiber, polymeric materials, inorganic substances, rubber products, chemical reagents, defoliants. In 2016 two trillion three hundred twenty nine billion sums production and two hundred fourteen billion six hundred million sums common consumption goods were manufactured. Investments of three hundred twenty eight million five hundred thirty thousand dollars were drawn, in the frame of Investment programme of projects in the enterprises of chemical industry.

In order to develop the production of new types of products, more than ten projects have been implemented over the past two years, and fifteen similar projects are going to be carried out this year. Setting the production of anticorrosive coatings, figured catalysts on the “Maksam-Chirchik” company, sodium sulfate on “Navoiazot” and stretched plunk on Jizzakh Plastic Plant are among them.

  It was noticed that in 2016 in a frame of localization programme of the Country, products for three hundred seventeen billion two hundred million sums were manufactured. Today the of the areas of the export of the products of “Uzkimyo sanoat” expanded, and ammonia, carbamide, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammophos and a number of other chemicals are shipped to 21 foreign countries. Nowadays, it is being intended to open trading houses in the counties of the South-East Asia.


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