Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

News / Новости

Uzbekistan: Serve the motherland with honour

04/04/2017 15:19

In the forces of the Ministry of Defencewere held events, devoted to the military oath of allegiance of young men who were called up for compulsory military service.

One of this events was organized traditionally in Tashkent in the square of the monument “Vatanga qasamyod” which was constructed by the initiative of the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

The relatives of youngsoldiersparticipated on this event.

The chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ikboljon Mirzaaliev, representatives of state and public organizations greeted and congratulated the young soldiers of the army and their relatives and friends, and expressed their confidencethatpresents conscripts will continue the traditions of older generation to protect their homeland Uzbekistan with honour.

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